E-Bulletin February 17, 2014


Monday, February 17, 2014

“Following Jesus and Loving People”


Ninety five years seems like a long time. However, if you could ask Willard Cook he would tell you it seemed so brief. Willard, who walked 95 years on this earth, is now with Jesus in the beginning of his eternity! Do you want to live a long life? A long life sounds good to me,   however, I would rather live a shorter life with blessing and quality than a longer life with pain and problems.

While reading Deuteronomy, I see the heart of God for his own children. He wants to not only give us longevity of life, but many years we can enjoy! This doesn’t just “happen”. A person blessed by God knows the importance of loving and keeping God’s Word. In truth, God’s blessing and our obedience are never far apart. Notice what Moses says to the Israelites in Deut. 6:2, “so that you, your children and their children after them may fear the Lord your God as long as you live by keeping all his decrees and commands that I give you, and so that you may enjoy long life.” The Israelites hearing Moses, could say, “yes, I know that already.” However, living right with God is not a matter of what we know, but how we respond to the Lord in what we know. May our hearts be soft and tender, humbly receiving his reminders so that we may walk in the fear of the Lord all the day long. Only then, will we comprehend the joyful life God intended for us.


 -Pastor Mark


WEDNESDAY @ 7PM — Resurrection Life Church adults meet to study God’s Word.


THURSDAY @ 7:00 PM — Highway Tabernacle men gather at the church in Pastor’s  office and  ladies in the nursery area for  Bible study. Our youth and children meet in their classes at the church for a great time learning from God’s Word.


COMBINDED CARE GROUP LUNCH—Everyone is invited to Resurrection Life church this Sunday, February 23rd at 1:30PM to hear from Kasey, Nicole and  Maria regarding their recent missions trip to Mozambique. It will be a wonderful time together as we celebrate His goodness and enjoy some tasty international food! If you would like to attend the RLC service after Highway, see Becky so transportation can be arranged. We will also have a van leaving Highway at 1:00 for the Care Group. We need to know who will riding in the vans and going up at which times. Please respond to office@highwaytabernacle.org or call 215-563-9192 to let us know. God bless!


LOVE IN ACTION HOMELESS OUTREACH will take place Tuesday, February 25th at 6:30PM. We will meet at Café Cret located at 110 N. 16th Street. Food will be ready and people are asked to bring back packs to help carry supplies.  Please see Roland or Thecla for more information.


MISSIONARIES DENNIS AND JENNIFER DUNCAN will be at Mike and Maria Wulin’s home on Friday evening, February 28th at 7PM to share. Everyone is invited to come and hear what God is doing in Romania, have some great food and fellowship.



Growing Our School and Church Family

Spring Garden Academy was recently given some unexpected scholarship funds and would like to take on 3-4 new students by the end of the month.  If you know a family who desires a  Christian Elementary School education (grades K-6) in a safe, loving, and prayerful environment but cannot afford the tuition, please contact Amy dela Cruz as soon as possible.  adelacruz@springgardenacademy.org, 215-563-9192, 215-226-1000.





New! Give to Highway On-Line!

Go to http://give.highwaytab.org


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM;  Thursday @ 7PM (Bible study, children and youth ministries)

Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon; Wednesday @ 7PM (Bible study)

The Bridge Youth @ RLC, Friday Evenings

5th-8th Grade 4:30-9PM

9th-12th Grade 6-9PM



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