E-bulletin 12/30/14


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

“Following Jesus and Loving People”




Have you made your new year’s resolutions yet?

The new year is a time full of hope.  Often, this hope is borne of failed hopes from the past year.

May I offer a plan for HOPE in 2015?

Hear from God – Make seeking God’s guidance your first priority. Be in church every Sunday and attend mid-week. Spend time with Christian friends.  When you read your Bible and pray, listen for the Holy Spirit. Avoid situations that drown out God’s voice: questionable movies, TV shows, books, magazines, and company. In 2015, concentrate on “turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding.” (Proverbs 2:2)

Open your Bible – Make an effort to spend more time in God’s Word. There are many resources available (like OneYearBibleOnline.com/) for reading the Bible in a year.  On BibleGateway.com, you can stream audio of the Bible in several translations while you’re working, working out, or       commuting. Set a time to read the Bible with your family.  Stick to it! “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night.” (Joshua 1:8)

Pray without ceasing (I Thessalonians 5:17) – Recognize that you are     always in God’s presence, and maintain a constant attitude of prayer. When your mind is idle or starts to wander, fill it with words of praise or intercession.  When you wake up in the night, or when you can’t sleep, talk with God. Ask God to wake you up to pray. Make a daily prayer    appointment. 

Engage in God’s work – Look for opportunities to be used by God in church ministry, at school or on the job, and with your family and friends. Don’t sit on the sidelines.  God needs more than our tithes and prayers.  You can be the answer to prayers for God to send laborers! When the call goes out, answer with the words and enthusiasm of Isaiah, “Here am I! Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8)

“The one who does these things will never be shaken.” (Psalm  15:5)

Happy New Year!                                                               

Otis A. Fortenberry


Spring Garden Academy Elementary school will be closed until January 5th.  We hope that you have a most happy and blessed New Year.  May God’s presence be with you and your family—today and the whole year through.


9 pm – 10 pm   Games and Refreshments


10 pm – 11 pm  Talent Night


Sign up with Pastor Finney, Mandi Spears, or the SGA office to share your talent!



11 pm – Midnight 

Testimonies, Reflections, and Praying in the New Year


Midnight -- ???  Fun for the youth!



Resurrection Life
17th and Tioga






During the Week of Prayer, Spring Garden Academy will hold  Praying for our Children, Monday, January 5th through Friday,  January 9th.





























































 Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org

Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon



If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org



Christmas Eve service


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

“Following Jesus and Loving People”



































































 Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org

Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon



If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org



Watch night service


Monday, December 22, 2014

“Following Jesus and Loving People”




































































 Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org

Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon



If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org



E-bulletin 12/22/14


Monday, December 22, 2014

“Following Jesus and Loving People”




I like Christmas cards. However, there are some so powerful, they stop me in my tracks. Here are the words on a card I received last week.

“The fate of the world rested on the response of two rural teenagers…often the work of God comes with two edges, great joy and great pain, and in that matter-of-fact response, Mary embraced both. She was the first person to accept Jesus on His own terms, regardless of the personal cost” (Source unknown).

God took a risk. The Bible tells us the angel came to Mary and said, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God” (Luke 1:35). What if Mary ran from God or simply said no? We can imagine that God could have accomplished his plan another way without Mary or Joseph. However, in His sovereignty, he navigates his awesome plan of salvation through human hearts and choices. How amazing that we can actually advance His kingdom by our responses to life!

The best response we can make is to say as Mary, “I am the Lord’s  servant. May it be to me as you have said” (1:38).  Following the will of God on His terms requires our all, and brings us both joy and pain. He is worthy of it all! Embrace the risk, just as he did for us.             

Pastor Mark Boucher


WEDNESDAY, 7:00PM, Christmas Eve Service @ Highway Tabernacle.

Thursday and Friday Family Night Ministries will not be  meeting due to the Christmas holiday.

Have a happy and safe Christmas holiday.  Spring Garden Academy is closed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. 

During the Week of Prayer, Spring Garden Academy will hold Praying for our Children, Monday, January 4th through Friday, January 9th.































































 Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org

Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon



If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org