E-Bulletin June 20, 2014


Friday, June 20, 2014

“Following Jesus and Loving People”


Hi Friends,

The Lord has been speaking to my heart about a message which I entitled, “The Power of Forgiveness”. Because we are all so imperfect and sometimes “fall down” spiritually, we can develop a defeatist mentality. We think, “Look at me, How can God ever use my life?” But God has plans for us which are accomplished because of the perfection of Jesus. He is willing to forgive and create in us an overcoming attitude  which enables us to live in victory over sin!

Come praying for the Holy Spirit to stir up hearts and to enlighten our spirits! We can expect great things because we serve a great God! I can’t wait to share this message because the power of forgiveness never grows old! May Jesus be glorified!

Pastor Mark Boucher


Highway Tabernacle Church

18th and Spring Garden Streets

Philadelphia, PA 19130


"Following Jesus and loving people"






 Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org

Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM;  Thursday @ 7PM (Bible study, children and youth ministries)

Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon



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