Monday, June 16, 2014
“Following Jesus and Loving People”
I once met a person with “tunnel vision” who described his situation as only being able to see a narrow and limited field of vision directly before him. This condition didn’t seize him at once, but encroached gradually. In our walk with God, the developing of tunnel vision in our hearts is a real danger. The pressures and challenges of life can shrink our vision of God and his will for our lives until we become entirely focused only on our immediate and temporary circumstances. There is a remedy! As we read and meditate on God’s Word, the Lord enlightens the eyes of our heart and heals us from tunnel vision. In my devotions this morning I was reminded how God helps us see more of himself by showing us the wonders of his creation. He reveals the beauty and wonder of His world to help us not get trapped in the small and mundane of our world. Psalms 95:3-6 declares: “For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land. Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the lord our Maker.” We are refreshed and renewed in our vision of God’s greatness when we stop to admire his work. Reading and imagining is healthy, but getting out into his creation is even better. Walk in the park, look at a mountain, and gaze at a lake or the ocean.
Summer is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and enlarge our vision of the One who made it all. May the Lord open our eyes to see God as big and our present difficulties as small!
Pastor Mark Boucher
Monday-Young Ladies Bible study 7PM @ Cizely’s.
Tuesday-Board Meeting 6PM @ HT.
Wednesday-School Family Celebration 6:30 @ RLC.
Thursday-School Family Celebration 11 @ HT.
Saturday-Prayer walk 2PM @ RLC.
Next Sunday-“Just Jesus” Prayer walk 6PM @ HT.
Friday, June 20th, the Next Generation team (including all of our wonderful Spring Garden Academy staff and camp workers) will be meeting for a time of prayer at Highway Tabernacle before we launch our summer ministries. We are praying very specifically that the Holy Spirit would fill us as the people of God for the work that is ahead of us and that God will direct our steps. We will also be praying that God prepares the hearts and minds of children, youth, and young adults for an encounter with him. We are inviting you to join us if you can. (If you live far, please feel free to join us in spirit.) The prayer time will begin at 9 am and end by 11:30 am. You are welcome to stay for lunch. If you are coming, please let us know. 215-563-9192 or 215-226-1000.
Now that it is June, plan for a special prayer walk with hundreds of other believers on Sat. June 28th at 10:00am. We start at the Salvation Army Headquarters building on Broad Street. What a great way to pray for our city and get a little exercise! Every person who participates in the walk is asked to purchase a God belongs in my city T-shirt. Shirts can be purchased online at http://www.godbelongsinmycity.com/. To view info on June 28th, go the website and go to The Walk, and wait for the map to show the icon for Philadelphia.
Businesses who operate in Pennsylvania may be able to receive a substantial state tax credit for giving to our Spring Garden Academy Scholarship Organization. Please contact Amy dela Cruz for more information. (adelacruz@springgardenacademy.org) Those who don't apply before June 30th may not be able to participate in this wonderful program next state fiscal year (July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015). IT'S TIME TO ACT!
If you have potential contacts, please contact Amy as soon as possible. We want to grow this fund to make SGA Elementary School available to more students!
**Pat Wegner’s father, Roy W. Kolas, went home to be with Jesus on Saturday, June 14th in his hometown of Hammond, IN. Roy, 92, was a WWII vet, owner of a Christian bookstore (still in business), and tireless witness of the gospel. Pat and Otto were able to spend the last days of Roy’s life with him. Funeral services will be this Thursday in Hammond. Please keep the Wegner family in your prayers.
Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org
Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen
Weekly Schedules
Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Thursday @ 7PM (Bible study, children and youth ministries)
Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon
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