“Following Jesus and Loving People”
“And they lived happily ever after” sounds wonderful in fairy tales but doesn’t work in real life. I am grateful that true love and joy is available to us in the Lord, and I believe he wants us to be happy. However, too many people adopt a concept of “happiness” which is far removed from the truth. As I grow in the Lord, I realize how self-centered I am at the core, and how God, my Father, takes time and care in rooting this out. As my Father disciplines, corrects, and trains me, the process is not “easy” or “happy.” Hebrews 12:10 says, “God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” So, I see here, the outcome is more important than our feelings. God will sacrifice our comfort for the greater results. This truth is seen clearly in the life of Abraham. God blessed Abraham and Sarah with a child in their old age. He was their answer to prayer! Their son Isaac (which means laughter) represented the future…and yet God commanded Abraham to sacrifice him on an altar. Thankfully, God intervened to stop the final act. But the point is that Abraham had to be willing to release everything and everyone from first place in his heart. God knows how easily we slip into idolatry, and he has every right to test our love. Only when our love is firmly established in our Heavenly Father can we rightly relate to the people and the things God allows us to have. So, “happily ever after” will come for the believer in heaven where God is all in all. However, while we are “in the body” we must expect tests, trials and feelings of discomfort. In the end, it is all good because God is a good Father and is for us, not against us.
Pastor Mark Boucher
TUESDAY, 7PM, Love in Action—meet at LOVE Park.
THURSDAY, 4PM, Praying for Our Children (SGA) at Highway Tabernacle.
THURSDAY, 7-8:30, Family Night at Highway Tabernacle.
FRIDAY, 6-9PM, Family Night at Resurrection Life Church.
FRIDAY– MONDAY, Winter Youth Retreat.
SATURDAY, 9:30 AM, Men’s/ Women’s RLC Fellowship (Men at RLC; Women at Kuruvillas’s House).
Þ Save the date for our Valentine’s Dessert Fellowship on Sunday, February 14th at 6 PM at Highway Tabernacle! We will have special desserts, games, and testimonies of God’s love!
Þ Join us for a special Honoring Becky Dinner on Sunday, February 21st at 6 PM at Highway Tabernacle as we thank Becky for serving our churches for the past seven years!
Investing in Philadelphia’s Children
Pennsylvania Friends and Partners: Individuals and businesses can redirect their PA state tax dollars to invest in scholarships for Philadelphia's children. But time is running out -- contact us at 215-226-1000 or info@springgardenacademy.org no later than FEBRUARY 11th.
For more information, watch our YouTube video: http://tiny.cc/investPA.
Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org
Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NGM
You can now help support our school, Spring Garden Academy, when you use Amazon Smile. We are listed under Highway Mission Tabernacle. Every time an order is placed through Amazon Smile, a donation will be made to help our children in Philadelphia.
Here is our link to Amazon Smile.
Weekly Schedules
Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM
Resurrection Life Church: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon
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