Tuesday, October 20, 2015
“Following Jesus and Loving People”
While reading the Book of Isaiah, I notice the great difference between how God speaks to those who seek him and those who don’t. In chapter 58 God addresses those who choose to humble themselves before him and determine to do what is right…in spite of the majority who see no need of God. He said, “You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings” (Isa.58:11b-12).
In these verses, I see a message for the people of Highway and Resurrection Life. Even though we are surrounded by many people who forget God, we are not allowed to develop a self-righteous attitude or fall into despair. Instead, the Lord gives us a ministry and even names it. We are first called, “Repairer of Broken Walls.” When a city in Bible times was defeated, the enemy usually destroyed the walls, so it would remain helpless in further battles. A broken wall represents present and future defeat…no safety, no hope. Is not this the experience of so many in our city? However, we are called to repair! Our message is that God forgives and restores. People and circumstances can change. God sees us not only as “Repairers of Broken Walls” but also as, “Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.” An empty street speaks of fear and flight, of people who have given up any hope for the future and have moved on. To see streets filled with people who get along with each other, who are employed, and who have dreams and goals, is a blessing from God. I believe the ministry of the people of Highway and Resurrection Life Church is to bless individuals through the Good News of the Gospel and to help people live productive and purposeful lives. To accomplish this, we need to work together. It’s a great calling, but with our Great God, we can make a difference.
Pastor Mark Boucher
THURSDAY, 5-7PM, Back to School Night at Highway Tabernacle.
THURSDAY, 7-8:30PM, Family Night at Highway Tabernacle.
FRIDAY, 8:30AM, Praying for Our Children at Resurrection Life Church.
FRIDAY, 5-7PM, Back to School Night at Resurrection Life Church.
FRIDAY, 5:30-7PM, Understanding Children Parent Class at Resurrection Life Church.
FRIDAY, 6-9PM, Family Night with Ground Zero Master’s Commission at Resurrection Life Church.
SUNDAY, OCT 25, 10:30-11:30AM, “Learning to Follow Jesus” Class at Resurrection Life Church.

Þ Our annual Light the Night is just around the corner – Friday, October 30, 7-9 PM at Resurrection Life Church.
Please start bringing bags of wrapped candy to the church so that we can bless the kids of our community on the 30th.
If you would like to decorate or help organize, please contact Se’mona Williams at swilliams@springgardenacademy.org or 215-226-1000.
Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org
Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen

You can now help support our school, Spring Garden Academy, when you use Amazon Smile. We are listed under Highway Mission Tabernacle. Every time an order is placed through Amazon Smile, a donation will be made to help our children in Philadelphia.
Here is our link to Amazon Smile.
Weekly Schedules
Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon
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