E-Bulletin 3/16/15


Monday, March 30, 2015

"Following Jesus and Loving People"

Sometimes we think that in order to obey God, we need to do something
earth-shattering. To be sure, there are the big moments in our lives
where our choices have far reaching consequences. However, most of
life involves the "small" obediences in everyday living. The Bible
reveals that obedience is never trite or insignificant. Before his
triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Jesus gave a seemingly small task to a
couple of his disciples. "Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them,
Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey
tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me"
(Matthew 21:2). Compared to other great actions accomplished in the
Bible, getting a donkey probably doesn't make the top ten. However, it
is important enough to find mention in the Book of Life! Jesus could
have miraculously caused a donkey to walk by, and that would be the
answer to the need. But, he involves the disciples for his own
specific reasons. He wants them to be part of the plan of God! The
Lord loves working through obedient servants. Our own small life story
somehow gets woven in to the big story of God. By finding the donkey,
the disciples also realized that God is Lord of the everyday,
seemingly mundane tasks. They acted and God provided. So, this first
Passover Sunday event, including men and donkeys, reminds us of
this: God isn't looking for great heroes…just obedient people. After
all, there's only One "Star". What is the Lord asking you to do today?

Pastor Mark Boucher

THURSDAY, 7PM, All church Bible study @ Highway Tabernacle. 

FRIDAY, 7PM, Good Friday combined service (with Highway Tabernacle) @
Resurrection Life Church.

Resurrection Sunday, 10AM, with special guests from Teen Challenge @
Highway Tabernacle. Please join us for breakfast Easter Sunday
morning, 8:30 at Highway Tabernacle before the morning service.

Resurrection Life Church/ Highway Tabernacle will be participating in
the PennDel District Assemblies of God Kids' Fun Arts Day on Saturday,
May 16th, at 17th and Tioga.  This event is open to children in the
first-sixth grades.  Please contact Lauren Morgan
(lmorgan@springgardenacademy.org or 215-563-9192)  or Candace Wegner
(candace@springgardenacademy.org or 215-226-1000) to participate. The
registration deadline is approaching soon.
Since we are hosting, we will need our church family to greet guests,
serve food, volunteer as judges, and encourage the talented children! 
We are looking forward to seeing not only our own church and Spring
Garden Academy kids but also kids from other churches across our city.

Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org

Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen

Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM;
Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon

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