E-bulletin 11/10/14


Monday, November 10, 2014

“Following Jesus and Loving People”



This morning, I heard a friend of mine share about a secret of ministry which develops “staying power”. She spoke about the Word of God as seeds. Although small and unseen by most, seeds contain the power of life and will bear fruit at the right time. The actions of faithful obedience on our part deposits those seeds into the hearts of others. Sometimes, we get discouraged because we don’t see the immediate “cause-effect” dynamic. As I was painting at the church the other day, I realized how manual labor and ministry are so different. After painting a wall, I stepped back and admired the immediate change for the good. Ministry, however, takes great faith because the change is hardly ever right away. Seeds take time. However, waiting is not wasted time. Through love and prayer we water and weed around the seed. Our faith stands on the truth that God will give the increase. He declared, “so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11. A now deceased preacher and teacher lived by a “philosophy of life” which he repeated to his students (and anyone who would listen). He said, “Live every day in the light of eternity.” God is not asking us to “do it all”. We simply plant the seeds. The harvest will come and some of it will only be known later when we are in heaven. While we are here, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

Pastor Mark Boucher

 Our prayers go out to Zach and Noah on the passing of their mom, Latona Horne.  Thank you to everyone who helped  minister to the family.


TUESDAY, Veteran’s Day.  Honor  and remember our veterans.


WEDNESDAY, 2:00PM, "Coping With Loss Over The Winter  Holidays" bereavement education and support meeting will be held @ Resurrection Life (in gym).


THURSDAY, 7:00-8:15PM, FAMILY NIGHT (extended hours for kids and youth who register) @ Highway Tabernacle.  Call 215-563-9192 for information.

FRIDAY, 7-8:30PM, FAMILY NIGHT (extended hours for kids and youth who register) @ Resurrection Life.  Call 215-226-1000 for   information.











It’s a boy!  James Zechariah Lushomo arrived at 11:51 am on Wednesday, November 5th; baby weighed in at 8lbs. 9 oz.  Congratulations to Thecla and Roland!


Nursery Need: Great things are happening on Family Night - Thursdays at Highway and Fridays at Resurrection Life! We now provide nursery service on these evenings. If you are able to contribute to help pay the nursery costs, you will enable parents and older siblings to attend church rather than stay home. Your on-going help - weekly or monthly - is greatly appreciated! Any amount helps!









Spring Garden Academy

Thanksgiving Family Dinner



At our 17th and Tioga location

Parking available 







We invite our school and church family to join us as we say thanks to God for all His provisions and celebrate this time together.


NOTE:  Please sign up to attend the dinner by Friday, November 21st.  Feel free to invite grandparents, family, and friends, but we really do need an accurate count so that we have enough food.


If you can bring a dish, set up, serve, cook, clean up, or give a donation, please let us know by email or phone. 



215-226-1000 or 215-563-9192








 Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org

Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon



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