Monday, July 28, 2014
“Following Jesus and Loving People”
Hope is to our spirit like blood is to our body. When our blood is healthy, we feel good. When our blood is anemic or our blood pressure is low, we feel weak and faint. In the same way, when hope fades, so does our strength. From my observation as a pastor, those who give up on following Jesus, first experience an erosion of hope. They may have expected God to work in a certain way, and things didn’t turn out as they thought (think of the “bread” followers of John 6). Maybe they hoped a loved one would change, and it didn’t happen yet. On the other hand, I observe those who, although experiencing great tests of faith, draw close to God and walk in joyful fellowship with Jesus. I ask, “Why do some do so well, and others seem to lose hope”? I believe the answer to this is found in what I read this morning in Romans 8:5, “And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.” What makes the difference? Romans 8:5 reveals the secret…the active connection of hope and love! Instead of giving in to hopeless thinking, we allow the Holy Spirit to pour God’s love into our hearts. By his grace, we keep on loving, keep on hoping, keep on persevering, and keep on following Jesus. Because we are human, we tend to tie our hope to circumstances. However, as we believe in him, and ask for more of his love, he gives us that amazing ability to never give up! I believe with all my heart that trusting God will never lead you to disappointment or shame. As we wait on him and obey his will, we will see great things happen in our day. He fulfills what he says, and all eternity will testify that our hope in the Lord was not in vain!
Pastor Mark Boucher

THURSDAY, 7:00 PM, Family Night Ministries, Highway Tabernacle led by our Next Generation Ministries (NGM) interns.
FRIDAY, 6:00 PM, Dinner and Youth Rally led by our NGM interns, Resurrection Life.

REGISTER NOW for Spring Garden Academy Fall ministries (preschool, Kindergarten-8th grades, and After School for K-8).
Talk to Lauren Morgan or another school director at lmorgan@springgardenacademy.org, 215-563-9192, or 215-226-1000.
Also…..High School after school ministry is coming this fall! Look for details in the bulletin in coming weeks.
Talk to Fatima Fulks, our Out of School Time director, or another school director at ffulks@springgardenacademy.org,
215-563-9192, or 215-226-1000.
Do you want to be more involved with our Next Generation Ministries interns and Emerging Leaders middle school students?
We are looking for people to host a dinner, share a testimony, and connect to this ministry to our youth. Please talk to Candace
Wegner at candace@nextgenministries.us, 215-563-9192, or 215-226-1000.
Special Thanks…
Thanks to all who made our annual Talent Night a success at Highway Tabernacle and Resurrection Life this week. Thanks for supporting our Spring Garden Academy camp children and our Next Generation Ministries (NGM) interns. What a joy it is to see how God equips our children with talents to serve him!
Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org
Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen
Weekly Schedules
Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon
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