E-Bulletin March 24, 2014


Monday, March 24, 2014

“Following Jesus and Loving People”


I remember hearing a powerful statement, “don’t doubt in the dark what you know is true in the light.” In a world that seems to be distancing itself from the Lord, it is vital for you and me to hear what God says and to embrace his truth, no matter what our eyes may see or our minds may think.


This morning I was reading from 2 kings 7 about the siege against the city of Samaria (northern kingdom of Israel). In the darkest days, to this city wracked with famine and fear, the prophet Elisha proclaimed relief to come within 24 hours! One officer close to the king of Israel scoffed at the word from Elisha and said, “Look, even if the Lord should open the floodgates of the heavens, could this happen?” Elisha’s response was, “you will see it with your own eyes but you will not eat any of it” (7:2). Sure enough, the next day everything changed. God provided for the city in a sudden and miraculous way which immediately lifted the famine (read 2 Kings 7:1-20).  Everyone was blessed except the officer who mocked God’s Word. While in charge of the gate, he was trampled to death by the starving citizens rushing outside to gather food.


This event sobers me to realize that I must learn to listen to the Lord and exercise faith in what he says. You may be facing a dark event and the fleshly nature whines and cries out, “God doesn’t care. Everything is bad and will always stay that way.” In those times we must remember that what God says is the final reality. Tears may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5). Anyone can stand in the place of the critic or complainer…but they lose out in the end. Seek the Lord and hold to what he says!


 -Pastor Mark


WEDNESDAY @ 7PM — Resurrection Life Church adults meet to study God’s Word.

THURSDAY @ 7:00 PM — Highway Tabernacle men gather at the church in Pastor’s office and  ladies in the nursery area for Bible study. Our youth and  children meet in their classes at the church for a great time learning from God’s Word.

LOVE IN ACTION HOMELESS OUTREACH will take place this Tuesday, March 25th at 7PM. We will meet at Café Cret located at 110 N. 16th Street. Food will be ready and people are asked to bring back packs to help carry supplies.  If you would like to donate towards this ministry you can mark it “Love in Action” or see Roland and Thecla for the items needed.

“JUST JESUS” MEETING—Join us next Sunday, 6:00 PM, at Highway Tabernacle for a time of praise and worship. We will take time to just seek Jesus through music, prayer, the Word and drawing closer to Him.

SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY is collecting box tops as a fundraiser.  Clip the labels off of many food item boxes or  containers.  You can also go online to collect  e-box tops. www.boxtops4education.com   It won’t cost you any money but will help our  children raise money for their school programs.  Box tops can be placed in the container in the church foyer.



Saturday, March 29th, 10:30 am-Noon, Breakfast Included

Sign up today!


Sign up today for a walkthrough of the Russian Brotherhood Organization’s building at 18th and Spring Garden (across the street).  Learn how God is asking us to pray for this space and our future. 


Do you know a profitable business owner or worker in a profitable business?   It could be a family member, friend, neighbor, or even YOU!  If so, there is still time for that person to learn how to receive a substantial state tax credit for giving to our Scholarship Organization.  On Saturday, a consultant will be available to talk to potential donors.  Talk to Candace Wegner, Amy dela Cruz, or Becky Robbins to register as soon as possible so that we prepare! 





New! Give to Highway On-Line!

Go to http://give.highwaytab.org


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM;  Thursday @ 7PM (Bible study, children and youth ministries)

Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon; Wednesday @ 7PM (Bible study)

The Bridge Youth @ RLC, Friday Evenings

5th-8th Grade 4:30-9PM

9th-12th Grade 6-9PM



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