E-Bulletin March 17, 2014


Monday, March 17, 2014

“Following Jesus and Loving People”


Why emphasize missions? As I read the Bible I see that God loves  people and wants them to walk with him now and live with him forever. The great barrier which prevents us from knowing this holy God is called sin, which separates us from him. As people like you and I come to know God, we discover the joy of a new beginning…a second birth where we start really living in the presence of his Holy Spirit! Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10).

After finding Jesus, a big mistake we tend to make is that we embrace his blessings and forget his assignment (think mission). As I pray each day, I envision our churches filled with people who are becoming just like Jesus. To Jesus, mission was not some abstract idea “over there”. Jesus and his mission were one. He lived to draw people to God and demonstrated this by compassion for lost people. He paid the highest price, his death on the cross, to make a way for every person to have the chance to be reconciled with God and find eternal life. The emphasis on missions stirs me and helps me become like Jesus. It pulls me away from “drift” and draws me into his mission. By nature, I am self-absorbed and can easily settle into a comfortable, self-centered life. Missions is God’s alarm clock, breaking my sleepy silence and challenging me to rise from the warmth of my comfort and get up and do his work.

As we hear the messages and testimonies of those called to be “career missionaries”, the Holy Spirit challenges us to live just like Jesus. My prayer is that missions would never sink into becoming just a program of the church, but would become to us the everyday passion of following Jesus and loving people.


 -Pastor Mar


THURSDAY @ 7:00 PM — Faith School of Theology ministry will be here to minister. We are inviting everyone from Highway and Resurrection Life to be a part.

Please note: We will NOT have Wednesday night Bible study this week so that we can enjoy Thursday night together.


LOVE IN ACTION HOMELESS OUTREACH will take place Tuesday, March 25th at 7PM. We will meet at Café Cret located at 110 N. 16th Street. Food will be ready and people are asked to bring back packs to help carry supplies.  If you would like to donate towards this ministry you can mark it “Love in Action” or see Roland and Thecla for the items needed.


SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY is collecting box tops as a fundraiser.  Clip the labels off of many food item boxes or  containers.  You can also go online to collect  e-box tops. www.boxtops4education.com   It won’t cost you any money but will help our  children raise money for their school programs.  Box tops can be placed in the container in the church foyer.




New! Give to Highway On-Line!

Go to http://give.highwaytab.org


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM;  Thursday @ 7PM (Bible study, children and youth ministries)

Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon; Wednesday @ 7PM (Bible study)

The Bridge Youth @ RLC, Friday Evenings

5th-8th Grade 4:30-9PM

9th-12th Grade 6-9PM



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