E-Bulletin March 31, 2014


Monday, March 31, 2014

“Following Jesus and Loving People”


Dear Friends,


As a kid, I remember my parents trying to coax and convince me to go to an event with them. I wanted to stay home and even though I whined most of the way, I reluctantly obeyed. Amazingly, when I got there, I had such a good time that I didn’t want to leave!


Prayer is something like that. Our fleshly nature doesn’t like to pray. We whine and make up all kinds of excuses why prayer and prayer meetings are not “our thing”. However, when we make up our mind that we will seek the Lord with all our heart, prayer becomes the best part of life! For me, prayer is going deeper in the adventure of my relationship with God. As I dedicate myself to pray, I stretch out into the life of faith and the ways of the Holy Spirit. Another reason my flesh doesn’t want to pray is because of how hard it is on my stubborn, self-centered nature. To get before God and quiet my heart in love and adoration takes the help and power of the Holy Spirit. If, when I pray, I just think of it being a waste of time, I simply sit and stare. However, in my imagination I try to envision prayer as the “pipeline” between my need and all the resources of God himself.


Prayer is a grace God gives to enable us to draw near to him. Jesus, when speaking of prayer, promised us, “Your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you” (Matt. 6:18). Hebrews 11:6 says, “He rewards those who earnestly seek him.” When I declare God’s Word over my prayers, my faith gets stirred and I become excited about how he will reward prayer. But if I listen to the whining, selfish child inside, I lose out. If you stir yourself to seek the Lord, you won’t be disappointed.


Pastor Mark Boucher



WEDNESDAY @ 7PM — Resurrection Life Church adults meet to study God’s Word.

THURSDAY @ 7:00 PM — Highway Tabernacle men gather at the church in Pastor’s office and  ladies in the nursery area for Bible study. Our youth and  children meet in their classes at the church for a great time learning from God’s Word.

LEADERSHIP TEAM MEETING Sunday, April 6th, 4PM in the Fellowship Hall at Highway Tabernacle.

Kids’ Fun Arts, Saturday, May 17th – Resurrection Life

REGISTER -- This year, Resurrection Life/Spring Garden Academy will be hosting one of the Penn Del District KIDS’ FUN ARTS events on Saturday, May 17th.  We invite all kids in 1st-6th grades to participate by registering now with Candace Wegner or Lauren Morgan.  Divisions include vocal, instrumental, drama, communication, art, and writing.  If a parent or other adult would like to help mentor in any of these areas, please let us know.  All kids are welcome to at least join our Kids’ Choir.

SAVE THE DATE:  adults and teens, please let us know if you are free to volunteer on May 17th as we will be hosting several other churches.  What a privilege we have to greet kids and their families, encourage them as they minister, and serve them food.  We will all be blessed as we see what God is doing to raise up the next generation of children to worship him and lead his people.


New! Give to Highway On-Line!

Go to http://give.highwaytab.org


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM;  Thursday @ 7PM (Bible study, children and youth ministries)

Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon; Wednesday @ 7PM (Bible study)

The Bridge Youth @ RLC, Friday Evenings

5th-8th Grade 4:30-9PM

9th-12th Grade 6-9PM



If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org


E-Bulletin March 28, 2014


Friday, March 28, 2014

“Following Jesus and Loving People”



Dear Friends,

Through prayer, I have felt the Lord leading me to begin a preaching series this Sunday and continue it right up to Resurrection Sunday morning. The series is called, “Alive with Jesus! Walking with Jesus into resurrected living.”


This Sunday I will look at what took place in the last supper about a week before Jesus’ death, and how what Jesus taught relates to us right now. The message is called “Living By The Spirit.” Please pray for our church and for the people all around us. We are searching for a life of meaning and filled with joy…which is only possible in relationship to the Holy Spirit. God wants to stretch us from living by our own limited understanding, to living in the realm of the limitless possibilities of the Spirit!


God’s best to you!

Pastor Mark


Saturday, March 29th, 10:30 am-Noon, Breakfast Included

Sign up today!


Sign up today for a walkthrough of the Russian Brotherhood Organization’s building at 18th and Spring Garden (across the street).  Learn how God is asking us to pray for this space and our future. 


Do you know a profitable business owner or worker in a profitable business?   It could be a family member, friend, neighbor, or even YOU!  If so, there is still time for that person to learn how to receive a substantial state tax credit for giving to our Scholarship Organization.  On Saturday, a consultant will be available to talk to potential donors.  Talk to Candace Wegner, Amy dela Cruz, or Becky Robbins to register as soon as possible so that we prepare! 





New! Give to Highway On-Line!

Go to http://give.highwaytab.org


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM;  Thursday @ 7PM (Bible study, children and youth ministries)

Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon; Wednesday @ 7PM (Bible study)

The Bridge Youth @ RLC, Friday Evenings

5th-8th Grade 4:30-9PM

9th-12th Grade 6-9PM



If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org


E-Bulletin March 25, 2014


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

“Following Jesus and Loving People”



Saturday, March 29th, 10:30 am-Noon, Breakfast Included

RSVP today!


Do you know a profitable business owner or someone who works for a profitable business?   It could be a family member, friend, neighbor, or even YOU!  It might even be your doctor.  If so, there is still time for that person to learn how to receive a substantial state tax credit for giving to our Scholarship Organization.  On Saturday, a consultant will be available to talk to potential donors at our 18th and Spring Garden location.  RSVP (for you or potential donor) with Amy dela Cruz, Becky Robbins, or Candace Wegner to participate. 


Also, sign up today for a walkthrough of the Russian Brotherhood Organization’s building at 18th and Spring Garden (across the street).  Learn how God is asking us to pray for this space and our future. 










Let’s build our school’s future together!



E-Bulletin March 24, 2014


Monday, March 24, 2014

“Following Jesus and Loving People”


I remember hearing a powerful statement, “don’t doubt in the dark what you know is true in the light.” In a world that seems to be distancing itself from the Lord, it is vital for you and me to hear what God says and to embrace his truth, no matter what our eyes may see or our minds may think.


This morning I was reading from 2 kings 7 about the siege against the city of Samaria (northern kingdom of Israel). In the darkest days, to this city wracked with famine and fear, the prophet Elisha proclaimed relief to come within 24 hours! One officer close to the king of Israel scoffed at the word from Elisha and said, “Look, even if the Lord should open the floodgates of the heavens, could this happen?” Elisha’s response was, “you will see it with your own eyes but you will not eat any of it” (7:2). Sure enough, the next day everything changed. God provided for the city in a sudden and miraculous way which immediately lifted the famine (read 2 Kings 7:1-20).  Everyone was blessed except the officer who mocked God’s Word. While in charge of the gate, he was trampled to death by the starving citizens rushing outside to gather food.


This event sobers me to realize that I must learn to listen to the Lord and exercise faith in what he says. You may be facing a dark event and the fleshly nature whines and cries out, “God doesn’t care. Everything is bad and will always stay that way.” In those times we must remember that what God says is the final reality. Tears may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5). Anyone can stand in the place of the critic or complainer…but they lose out in the end. Seek the Lord and hold to what he says!


 -Pastor Mark


WEDNESDAY @ 7PM — Resurrection Life Church adults meet to study God’s Word.

THURSDAY @ 7:00 PM — Highway Tabernacle men gather at the church in Pastor’s office and  ladies in the nursery area for Bible study. Our youth and  children meet in their classes at the church for a great time learning from God’s Word.

LOVE IN ACTION HOMELESS OUTREACH will take place this Tuesday, March 25th at 7PM. We will meet at Café Cret located at 110 N. 16th Street. Food will be ready and people are asked to bring back packs to help carry supplies.  If you would like to donate towards this ministry you can mark it “Love in Action” or see Roland and Thecla for the items needed.

“JUST JESUS” MEETING—Join us next Sunday, 6:00 PM, at Highway Tabernacle for a time of praise and worship. We will take time to just seek Jesus through music, prayer, the Word and drawing closer to Him.

SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY is collecting box tops as a fundraiser.  Clip the labels off of many food item boxes or  containers.  You can also go online to collect  e-box tops. www.boxtops4education.com   It won’t cost you any money but will help our  children raise money for their school programs.  Box tops can be placed in the container in the church foyer.



Saturday, March 29th, 10:30 am-Noon, Breakfast Included

Sign up today!


Sign up today for a walkthrough of the Russian Brotherhood Organization’s building at 18th and Spring Garden (across the street).  Learn how God is asking us to pray for this space and our future. 


Do you know a profitable business owner or worker in a profitable business?   It could be a family member, friend, neighbor, or even YOU!  If so, there is still time for that person to learn how to receive a substantial state tax credit for giving to our Scholarship Organization.  On Saturday, a consultant will be available to talk to potential donors.  Talk to Candace Wegner, Amy dela Cruz, or Becky Robbins to register as soon as possible so that we prepare! 





New! Give to Highway On-Line!

Go to http://give.highwaytab.org


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM;  Thursday @ 7PM (Bible study, children and youth ministries)

Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon; Wednesday @ 7PM (Bible study)

The Bridge Youth @ RLC, Friday Evenings

5th-8th Grade 4:30-9PM

9th-12th Grade 6-9PM



If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org


E-Bulletin March 19, 2014


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

“Following Jesus and Loving People”




E-Bulletin March 17, 2014


Monday, March 17, 2014

“Following Jesus and Loving People”


Why emphasize missions? As I read the Bible I see that God loves  people and wants them to walk with him now and live with him forever. The great barrier which prevents us from knowing this holy God is called sin, which separates us from him. As people like you and I come to know God, we discover the joy of a new beginning…a second birth where we start really living in the presence of his Holy Spirit! Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10).

After finding Jesus, a big mistake we tend to make is that we embrace his blessings and forget his assignment (think mission). As I pray each day, I envision our churches filled with people who are becoming just like Jesus. To Jesus, mission was not some abstract idea “over there”. Jesus and his mission were one. He lived to draw people to God and demonstrated this by compassion for lost people. He paid the highest price, his death on the cross, to make a way for every person to have the chance to be reconciled with God and find eternal life. The emphasis on missions stirs me and helps me become like Jesus. It pulls me away from “drift” and draws me into his mission. By nature, I am self-absorbed and can easily settle into a comfortable, self-centered life. Missions is God’s alarm clock, breaking my sleepy silence and challenging me to rise from the warmth of my comfort and get up and do his work.

As we hear the messages and testimonies of those called to be “career missionaries”, the Holy Spirit challenges us to live just like Jesus. My prayer is that missions would never sink into becoming just a program of the church, but would become to us the everyday passion of following Jesus and loving people.


 -Pastor Mar


THURSDAY @ 7:00 PM — Faith School of Theology ministry will be here to minister. We are inviting everyone from Highway and Resurrection Life to be a part.

Please note: We will NOT have Wednesday night Bible study this week so that we can enjoy Thursday night together.


LOVE IN ACTION HOMELESS OUTREACH will take place Tuesday, March 25th at 7PM. We will meet at Café Cret located at 110 N. 16th Street. Food will be ready and people are asked to bring back packs to help carry supplies.  If you would like to donate towards this ministry you can mark it “Love in Action” or see Roland and Thecla for the items needed.


SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY is collecting box tops as a fundraiser.  Clip the labels off of many food item boxes or  containers.  You can also go online to collect  e-box tops. www.boxtops4education.com   It won’t cost you any money but will help our  children raise money for their school programs.  Box tops can be placed in the container in the church foyer.




New! Give to Highway On-Line!

Go to http://give.highwaytab.org


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM;  Thursday @ 7PM (Bible study, children and youth ministries)

Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon; Wednesday @ 7PM (Bible study)

The Bridge Youth @ RLC, Friday Evenings

5th-8th Grade 4:30-9PM

9th-12th Grade 6-9PM



If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org


E-Bulletin March 12, 2014


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

“Following Jesus and Loving People”


Let me share something personal. Almost three years ago, my wife Terry and I were praying about whether to come to Philadelphia to pastor. I remember talking to a deacon about the missions program and how Highway supported over 35 missionaries both at home and world-wide. At that moment, I realized that by accepting God’s call to Highway Mission Tabernacle, I would be coming to a church that shares my heart! God knows how to put like-minded people together.


For years, Terry and I have supported missions by giving a monthly “Faith Promise Pledge”. We do this with joy and a sense of eternal investment in God’s kingdom. Our monthly pledge is over and above our tithe and is based on God’s blessing to provide the resources. We have never regretted being challenged to give to missions!


This Sunday, at the end of the service, we will be collecting your Faith Promise Pledges. Currently, our monthly pledges help support 38 missionaries and ministries with over $3,225 per month! I ask you to pray now as to your involvement. Not all can give the same amount, but all of us can give. If you will not be here Sunday or do not attend Highway, but would like to make a pledge, just e-mail us back and let us know.


At the second General Council of the Assemblies of God in 1914, an amazing resolution passed which said, “We commit ourselves and the Movement to Him for the greatest evangelism the world has ever seen.” Terry and I (and Nicole) have determined that we will stay true to the vision of those who have journeyed before us.


On that Day, the Lord will examine the stewardship of each one of us to determine our faithfulness with the investment he gave. May he say, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” Matt. 25:23


Thank you so much for your partnership in the Gospel!

Pastor Mark Boucher





New! Give to Highway On-Line!

Go to http://give.highwaytab.org


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM;  Thursday @ 7PM (Bible study, children and youth ministries)

Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon; Wednesday @ 7PM (Bible study)

The Bridge Youth @ RLC, Friday Evenings

5th-8th Grade 4:30-9PM

9th-12th Grade 6-9PM



If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org


E-Bulletin March 10, 2014


Monday, March 10, 2014

“Following Jesus and Loving People”


The first king of Israel, Saul, started well but ended in disgrace. After a foolish disobedience, he was rebuked by the Prophet Samuel who said, “But now your kingdom will not endure; the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him leader of his people, because you have not kept the Lord’s command” (I Sam. 13:14). Saul failed because he failed to guard his heart. Pride crept in until it permeated everything.

As I read this I was again challenged by the words, “a man after his (God’s) own heart”. My prayer is, “God make us people you are pleased to draw near and bless with grace…because our hearts are seeking and pursuing you.” Guarding and guiding our hearts toward the Lord and his kingdom is a full-time endeavor. In these last days (as revealed in the Bible) the danger of drifting and turning away is ever present. However, the good news is that God is greater than our hearts and knows how to keep us and to present us to himself without spot or wrinkle.

David, the shepherd king was far from perfect, but God could work in David’s life and circumstances because his heart continually sought the Lord. While Saul ended in disgrace, David enjoyed the presence of God and ended life in victory. Be a person after God’s heart and enjoy your relationship with him.  Obey the great commandment to love him with all you heart, soul and mind (Matt. 22:37). In this way you will live well and end well.




 -Pastor Mark


WEDNESDAY @ 7PM Roli dela Cruz will share at Resurrection Life Church.


THURSDAY @ 7:00 PM Mike and Anna Dascalescu, missionaries to Romania, will be at Highway Tabernacle


LOVE IN ACTION HOMELESS OUTREACH will take place this Saturday, March 15th at 3PM. We will meet at Café Cret located at 110 N. 16th Street. Food will be ready and people are asked to bring back packs to help carry supplies.  Please see Roland or Thecla for more information.


SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY is collecting box tops as a fundraiser.  Clip the labels off of many food item boxes or  containers.  You can also go online to collect  e-box tops. www.boxtops4education.com   It won’t cost you any money but will help our  children raise money for their school programs.  Box tops can be placed in the container in the church foyer.




New! Give to Highway On-Line!

Go to http://give.highwaytab.org


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM;  Thursday @ 7PM (Bible study, children and youth ministries)

Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon; Wednesday @ 7PM (Bible study)

The Bridge Youth @ RLC, Friday Evenings

5th-8th Grade 4:30-9PM

9th-12th Grade 6-9PM



If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org


Praying for our Children and Photographer Needed


Sunday, March 09, 2014

“Following Jesus and Loving People”


Photographer Needed


Next Generation Ministries needs photography help this week to capture pictures for our upcoming retreat and for promotional pieces.  If you can take pictures this week, March 10-17, please let Candace Wegner or Becky Robbins know as soon as possible by calling the church offices 215-563-9192 or 215-226-1000.  You may also email Candace@SpringGardenAcademy.org.


Here are some specific times we need help but can use help at other times as well.


Monday, March 10 – 8-12 Resurrection Life


Monday, March 10    3-4:30 Highway


Wednesday, March 12 -- 2:30-4:30 (Praying for our Children)  Highway


Friday, 8:30 am-10:30 am  (Praying for our Children)  Resurrection


Friday evening – anytime between 6-9 pm -- Resurrection


Next Sunday, March 17 – HWY and RLC services



Praying for our Children


This week, we have scheduled times to pray with our Spring Garden Academy children at both locations.  We will be praying that they are saved and called to ministry and missions around the world.  We are also praying for their protection and the salvation of their families.


If you can join us for prayer at either location, please let us know, and someone will give you a call.  You may ask for Lauren Morgan, Candace Wegner, or Amy dela Cruz.  Lauren will be leading this month’s prayer time.  info@SpringGardenAcademy.org or 215-226-1000 or 215-563-9192


Highway, Wednesday, March 12


3:15-3:45   Preschool classes

4:00-4:30   Afterschool chapel


Resurrection, Friday, March 14 – 8:30 am – all kids in chapel




E-Bulletin March 7, 2014


Friday, March 07, 2014

“Following Jesus and Loving People”



Join us for prayer Sunday morning at 9AM followed by worship service at 10AM – Highway Tabernacle.

Join us at Resurrection Life Church at Noon.




MISSIONS CONVENTION—This Sunday we begin our annual missions convention. We want to encourage you to take time to pray about your faith promises for this coming year. We will fill out our forms on March 16th. Offerings will be received for our missionaries at each of our services, so please pray about what God would have you to give. You can also give on-line specifically for the missions convention.

International Missions Dinner will be Sunday evening, 6PM at Highway Tabernacle. Join us for a fun time together, hear what God is doing around the world and enjoy some amazing food from other countries.



New! Give to Highway On-Line!

Go to http://give.highwaytab.org


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM;  Thursday @ 7PM (Bible study, children and youth ministries)

Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon; Wednesday @ 7PM (Bible study)

The Bridge Youth @ RLC, Friday Evenings

5th-8th Grade 4:30-9PM

9th-12th Grade 6-9PM



If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org


E-Bulletin March 4, 2014


Tuesday, March 04, 2014

“Following Jesus and Loving People”


“You can do what I cannot do. I can do what you cannot do. Together we can do great things” (Mother Teresa).

Jesus accomplished his mission on earth and went back to the Father. After he rose from the dead, he passed the mission on to those who would follow him. He said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matt. 28:18-20). This is a great mission, which no one can accomplish alone. We need teamwork within a community of faith. There are voices today who say, “you don’t need the church…you can be a Christian all by yourself.” Jesus never believed this or taught this.


The New Testament reveals that we are the body of Christ and all are members of one another. Saying, “I need you” crucifies my illusion of independence and opens my heart to see others as special gifts of God, to love and serve. As we love one another and participate in the community of faith, we create a healthy, inviting fellowship in which guests feel our unity in the presence of the Holy  Spirit. Jesus said, “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35). One day we will give an account of how we spent our life. I would rather stand before him, having lived my days with his people, going after his mission, than having attempted to “go it alone” with no lasting fruit to present to him. TEAM…Together Everyone Achieves More!



 -Pastor Mark


Join us for prayer Sunday morning at 9AM followed by worship service at 10AM – Highway Tabernacle.

Join us at Resurrection Life Church at Noon.




LOVE IN ACTION HOMELESS OUTREACH will take place this evening, March 4th at 7PM. We will meet at Café Cret located at 110 N. 16th Street. Food will be ready and people are asked to bring back packs to help carry supplies.  Please see Roland or Thecla for more information.


WEDNESDAY @ 7PM — Resurrection Life Church adults meet to study God’s Word.


THURSDAY @ 7:00 PM — Highway Tabernacle men gather at the church in Pastor’s  office and  ladies in the nursery area for  Bible study. Our youth and children meet in their classes at the church for a great time learning from God’s Word.


MISSIONS CONVENTION—Next Sunday we begin our annual missions convention. We want to encourage you to take time to pray about your faith promises for this coming year. We will fill out our forms on March 16th. Offerings will be received for our missionaries at each of our services, so please pray about what God would have you to give. You can make plans to hear from some amazing  missionaries, while enjoying fellowship and good food. Our International Dinner will be Sunday, March 9th, 6PM at Highway Tabernacle.

SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY is collecting box tops as a fundraiser.  Clip the labels off of many food item boxes or  containers.  You can also go online to collect  e-box tops. www.boxtops4education.com   It won’t cost you any money but will help our  children raise money for their school programs.  Box tops can be placed in the container in the church foyer.



Growing Our School and Church Family

Spring Garden Academy was recently given some unexpected scholarship funds and would like to take on 3-4 new students by the end of the month.  If you know a family who desires a  Christian Elementary School education (grades K-6) in a safe, loving, and prayerful environment but cannot afford the tuition, please contact Amy dela Cruz as soon as possible.  adelacruz@springgardenacademy.org, 215-563-9192, 215-226-1000.



New! Give to Highway On-Line!

Go to http://give.highwaytab.org


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM;  Thursday @ 7PM (Bible study, children and youth ministries)

Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon; Wednesday @ 7PM (Bible study)

The Bridge Youth @ RLC, Friday Evenings

5th-8th Grade 4:30-9PM

9th-12th Grade 6-9PM



If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org