Love In Action Outreach - This Saturday (February 15th) 3pm @ Cafe Cret


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

“Following Jesus and Loving People”


Hello everyone,


Hope you are keeping warm and safe out there. We have lots to share !!
Just a reminder that we will be meeting this Saturday at 3pm to minister to the homeless in center city. If you are able to join us, please do.

We are testing a new method again this week. Please note our new meeting location. We will be meeting at 3:00 pm at Cafe Cret (located on the Parkway at 110 N 16th St, Philadelphia, PA). We will leave from Cafe Cret promptly at 3:15pm and go out to minister to the homeless until 5pm. We will reconvene briefly at Cafe Cret before we end of the day. We will have food ready to distribute ahead of time and ask for anyone coming out to come with backpack to use to carry supplies. We're still testing a new approach =)


We want to share some testimonies and prayer requests from the last time we went out (Tuesday night Feb 4). 


1. We encountered several people, many of whom we have encountered before. Here is a list of a few of them, please keep them in your prayers and pray for God to turn their lives around. We were out ministering in the evening last week, and I was surprised to see that some people were still sleeping outside in this weather...


-Man of peace (forgot his name) - peace transcends understanding- message for him, said he had already been thinking about it earlier in the day


-Dupree (compassionate guy who when asked if he had anything we could pray with him about, asked for prayer for 2 friends of his - Doris and Tommy )


- Max -guy who lives in GA and is here in Philly working, he likes to go to people in the suburban station and speak positive words over them, felt that maybe he was a Christian, he needs prayer for a rekindling in his relationship with his wife who lives in Georgia,

- Kevin

- Angela -lost her son (Kayir - been taken into care, Angela seemed very young and under the influence of some type of substance) We have seen her before.


- Bill- 65% healing in his back (we prayed with him and he felt the pain in his back lifting)


- Chubby- Stephanie- one of us gave away our Bible to her, she wanted to know where to find Ten Commandments and Psalm 23. We found her sitting alone, on the floor in the station. 

-Sammy- emphysema was healed previously (one of us had gotten a word of knowledge before we went out on the streets that day about meeting someone called Samuel who had issues with his lungs). Felt the Lord was highlighting him to us, he seemed to know the homeless community around him, seemed like a crucial part of the network. Sammy also asked for pants - larger than a size 30.

-Joseph -opened his hands up for us to pray, very receptive, back and knee problems (the Lord highlighted back pain to us as we prayed with him, when we asked him if he was suffering from lower back pain, he was surprised and asked how we knew.) 

-Jonathan (met 2 different guys by this name - pray for their situations to improve)
(one of them asked for prayer for a friend of his called Dreadlock whom he said believed he'd been cursed and wasn't in a right state of mind)


-Michelle- had lived on a ship several years ago, suffering from lung issues. We found her standing by a bus stop, expressed pain in her heart from the death of her husband several years ago from lung problems. As we prayed with her, the Lord highlighted pain in her right leg....when asked if she had pain there, she said she did, that had caused her to fall on her face earlier that week. She was wearing suglasses - and showed us her bruised eye). We got to pray for her, interestingly though, as we started to pray, she started yelling abuse at people passing by... possibly manifesting...
Gospel choir guy - part of a trio who sing/busk at suburban station and also at the gallery. 
Steve- mental issues



There were others we met too but I can't recall their names. Please pray for these...



2. Also, there are a few things we could use for this Saturday (and on a continual basis if you're able to donate):


- Soap (Irish Spring is a massive hit among most people we met - the preferred choice over Dial)

- Toothpaste/toothbrushes

- Deodorant

- Reusable bags

- gloves

- hats

- wipes

- wash clothes

- feminine hygiene

- nail clippers

- socks

- underwear

- blankets


Hope to see you Saturday. Please let me know ahead of time if you are coming, so we will know to expect you. We will leave Cafe Cret promptly at 3:15pm to start walking the streets..


Stay warm and safe out there.

Much love!!


Roland (267-632-3232) and Thecla (267-265-8178) 



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