E-Bulletin February 3, 2014


Monday, February 3, 2014

“Following Jesus and Loving People”


A few months ago I prayed a prayer I don’t ever remember praying before. I was reading from the Word about how the Psalmist ministered to the Lord by songs in the night.

“The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy”. Psalm 65:8.


I asked the Lord, “would you help me to honor you by songs of joy and faith, and may I wake up each day with a song on my heart.” From that time, I can say that almost every day I wake up with a song to Jesus on my mind! Usually it is a song we have sung during worship service on Sunday. Recently a chorus has captured my attention in a powerful way. This song has been the first thing on my mind for several days in a row. The words rivet my attention. Here they are: Jesus at the center of it all…From beginning to the end, it will always be, it’s always been You, Jesus, Jesus. And nothing else matters; nothing in this world will do. Jesus you’re the center. Everything revolves around you. (Words and music by Israel Houghton, Michah Massey, and Adam Ranney)


What we sometimes perceive as “Christianity” can actually become the   outer layers of non-essentials. It all comes down to Jesus…loving Him,    Following Him, and obeying Him. He is the center of it all! May He be the center of this church


 -Pastor Mark


WEDNESDAY @ 7PM — Resurrection Life Church adults meet to study God’s Word.


THURSDAY @ 7:00 PM — Highway Tabernacle men gather at the church in Pastor’s  office and  ladies in the nursery area for  Bible study. Our youth and children meet in their classes at the church for a great time learning from God’s Word.


LOVE IN ACTION HOMELESS OUTREACH will take place this Tuesday, February 4th at 6:30PM. We will meet at Café Cret located at 110 N. 16th Street. Food will be ready and people are asked to bring back packs to help carry supplies.  Additionally, we are proposing to go for outreach on these dates in February: Saturday February 15th @ 3pm and Tuesday February 25th @ 6:30pm. Please see Roland or Thecla for more information.


COMBINDED CARE GROUP NIGHT—Everyone is invited to Resurrection Life church this Sunday, February 9 at 6PM to hear from Kasey, Nicole and Maria regarding their recent missions trip to Mozambique. It will be a wonderful evening together as we celebrate His goodness and enjoy some tasty international food!



Growing Our School and Church Family

Spring Garden Academy was recently given some unexpected scholarship funds and would like to take on 3-4 new students by the end of the month.  If you know a family who desires a  Christian Elementary School education (grades K-6) in a safe, loving, and prayerful environment but cannot afford the tuition, please contact Amy dela Cruz as soon as possible.  adelacruz@springgardenacademy.org, 215-563-9192, 215-226-1000.





New! Give to Highway On-Line!

Go to http://give.highwaytab.org


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM;  Thursday @ 7PM (Bible study, children and youth ministries)

Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon; Wednesday @ 7PM (Bible study)

The Bridge Youth @ RLC, Friday Evenings

5th-8th Grade 4:30-9PM

9th-12th Grade 6-9PM



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