“Following Jesus and Loving People”
It was the second time in less than three months. There I sat waiting in a Philadelphia courtroom to testify as to what I saw and heard at a crime scene. Before my specific case came before the judge, I witnessed several other trials, watching the sad parade of crimes involving stealing, lying, and violence. Because there are so many cases and witnesses often don’t show up, many cases have to be pushed further and further down the calendar. Although I do appreciate our system of justice, the process can often feel to me like “organized chaos.” As a Pastor, I realize that those working in the judicial system almost always deal with the “symptoms” of sin, without being able to address the root causes. Earlier that morning, before arriving at court, I was reading the Bible from 1 John. Here John uses the language of the court to present us with amazing truth. He says, “My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense-Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world” (1 John 2:1-2). What I notice in these verses is first, that we all are criminals…all have sinned. As sinners, we deserve whatever the judge throws at us. But wait, the Judge has assigned none other than his own Son to be our defense attorney! And Jesus doesn’t just “represent” us, he sacrifices himself for us…even to the extent of paying for our crimes! His love and sacrifice is so powerful that it could pay “for the sins of the whole world.” Every despicable word and action ever done by anyone can be erased from the books by our defense attorney, the Lord Jesus. This is where we as Christians can bless the people we know and meet. Let’s tell them about the only HOPE! God offers a full pardon, with no guilt and condemnation, to those who ask Jesus to be their advocate. While we praise and thank God for his grace toward us, let’s be sure to let others know the way to freedom!
Pastor Mark Boucher
TUESDAY, 7PM, Love in Action—meet at LOVE Park.
THURSDAY, 4PM, Praying for Our Children (SGA) at Highway Tabernacle.
THURSDAY, 7-8:30, Family Night at Highway Tabernacle.
FRIDAY, 6-9PM, Family Night Activities and Indoor Soccer at Resurrection Life Church.
SUNDAY, JAN 31, 10:30AM, Combined AM Service (with HT & RLC congregations) followed by Annual Business/ Vision Casting Meeting.
Þ Save the date for our Valentine’s Dessert Fellowship on Sunday, February 14th at 6 PM at Highway Tabernacle! We will have special desserts, games, and testimonies of God’s love!

Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org
Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NGM

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Weekly Schedules
Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM
Resurrection Life Church: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon
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