Tuesday, November 10, 2015
“Following Jesus and Loving People”
In Paul’s introduction to his famous definition of the armor of God in Ephesians chapter 6, he reminds us that we are in a battle; that "our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (v. 12)
We know that we will face many struggles in this life, but this knowledge need not intimidate us, because we understand that we have the support and protection of our Commander and Lord, who not only equips us with spiritual armor but also goes before us into the fight.
When the Israelites were on the verge of entering the Promised Land, they shrank back out of fear of the giants who stood between them and their inheritance (Numbers 13), failing to consider that the God who promised is bigger.
What giants stand between you and your promise? Addiction? Health? Finances? We must face these giants, not shrinking back from the fight (Hebrews 10:38,39), because he who is with us is greater than all of the giants in our way (I John 4:4).
This month, we celebrate Highway’s anniversary. It's a great opportunity to look back in thanksgiving for the veterans of spiritual warfare whose faithfulness in the face of giants has helped to carry this church for 121 years. Even today, we are strengthened and sustained by spiritual warriors who, although they may no longer be able to fellowship with us, have never stopped wrestling in prayer for us. It is appropriate for us to honor them, to thank God for them, to pray for them, and to send them a note of thanks.
This week, our country celebrates Veterans' Day. It's a great opportunity to consider those who answered our nation's call: keeping the peace, keeping us safe, providing humanitarian aid throughout the world, and laying their lives on the line in combat. It is appropriate for us to honor them, to thank God for them, to pray for them, and to send them a note of thanks.
Otis A. Fortenberry
TUESDAY, 7PM, Love In Action– meet at LOVE Park.
WEDNESDAY, Veterans’ Day.
THURSDAY, 7-8:30PM, Family Night at Highway Tabernacle.
FRIDAY, 5:30-7PM, Understanding Children Parent Class at Resurrection Life Church.
FRIDAY, 6-9PM, Family Night at Resurrection Life Church.
SATURDAY, 9:30AM, RLC Men’s and Women’s Fellowship (Men at Resurrection Life Church; Women at Kuruvillas’s house– 1120 Crease St.).
SUNDAY, NOV 15, Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes Due.
SUNDAY, NOV 15, 10:30-11:30AM, “Learning to Follow Jesus” Class at Resurrection Life Church.
SUNDAY, NOV 15, 6PM, Just Jesus Prayer Night at Highway Tabernacle.
Þ On Sunday, November 22nd, we will receive a special offering for One Day to Feed the World, a program administered by Convoy of Hope to provide daily meals to hungry people all over the world. Please prayerfully consider contributing one day’s salary to this cause. You may give a designated offering at any time by noting “One Day” on your check or envelope, or by selecting “One Day” when you give on-line at http://give.HighwayTab.org. We will forward the offering to Convoy of Hope as a Thanksgiving offering.
Þ You are invited to Spring Garden Academy’s THANKSGIVING FAMILY DINNER at 17th & Tioga on Tuesday, November 24th, beginning at 6:00 PM! Please sign up to attend the dinner by Friday, November 20th. If you can bring a dish, set up, serve, cook, clean up, or give a donation, please contact info@springgardenacademy.org or call 215-226-1000.
Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org
Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen

You can now help support our school, Spring Garden Academy, when you use Amazon Smile. We are listed under Highway Mission Tabernacle. Every time an order is placed through Amazon Smile, a donation will be made to help our children in Philadelphia.
Here is our link to Amazon Smile.
Weekly Schedules
Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon
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