E-bulletin 6/1/15


Monday, June 1, 2015

"Following Jesus and Loving People"

For the believer in Jesus, the Holy Spirit is not an "optional extra". In fact, without the Holy Spirit we are not even children of God ("and if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ" Rom. 8:9b). So, why is the Holy Spirit so important…and what does He do  inside us? There are so many ways the Spirit helps us. Consider what the Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, "Now the Lord is the  Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." Here we notice two powerful truths about the Holy Spirit. First, the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Lord. Jesus and the Spirit are One in unity and ministry. The closer we walk with Jesus, the more of God's Spirit is at work in us. Also, we notice what the Spirit does in us. At our salvation, the "veil" of darkness covering our hearts is taken away. Now, we can look (or perceive the Lord) for who he really is. The Spirit enables us to see life from God's perspective…through his Word. Of course, no one sees the Lord with 20/20 vision. But, as we grow in our faith and continue to focus on Jesus, the Spirit does his amazing work of "transforming (us) into his likeness with ever-increasing glory" v18). The work of the Spirit is transformation into the likeness of Jesus! If you don't want to change and would rather stay in your same old life and habits, the Spirit is not for you. The Holy Spirit's mission is to work in us, so he can work through us. He transforms our thoughts to be like Jesus' thoughts. He transforms our will to be like Jesus' will. He transforms our emotions to be like the emotions of Jesus. The Holy Spirit brings attention to Christ and empowers us to change. There is nothing more challenging, exciting, and fulfilling than submitting to the transformation process in becoming just like Jesus!

Pastor Mark Boucher


THURSDAY, 6-8:15PM, FAMILY NIGHT @ Highway Tabernacle.  Call 215-563-9192 for more information.  If you can't come early for the meal, join us for the Bible study at 7pm.

FRIDAY, noon, Hour of prayer @ Resurrection Life Church.

FRIDAY, 6-9PM, FAMILY NIGHT @ Resurrection Life.  Call 215-226-1000 for more information.

SATURDAY, June 6th, 9-12PM, We would love to have you join our "Green Team" as we beautify the grounds around Highway! We will end with a pizza lunch!

SUNDAY, June 7th, 4-6PM, The Leadership Team is meeting in the fellowship hall at Highway. 

SUNDAY, June 14th, Plan to ride with us for a church picnic with our Partnership Church, Trinity in West Chester. The bus will leave right after service at Highway. 


Get Involved in Bible Quiz—

New Season Starting!


We are thrilled to lead the launch of both a Junior and Teen Bible Quiz league for Philadelphia.  Come and find out more about this initiative and how you might get involved.  There are many possible roles – coaches, meet officials, prayer partners, memorization buddies, and financial investors – for adults.  All children and youth (1st-12th grades) are encouraged to join a team!


Thursday, June 4, 7 pm Highway Tabernacle

Tuesday, June 9, 7 pm Resurrection Life

Thursday, June 18, 7 pm Highway Tabernacle

Friday, June 19, 7 pm Resurrection Life

Friday, June 26, 8 pm Resurrection Life


If you know of other Christian schools and churches who might want to get involved, let us know.  Next Generation Ministries is committed to investing in discipleship ministries for youth and children across our city.


We will starting our summer practices in camp so we have a strong school year season. 


For more information or to RSVP for a meeting, Fatima Fulks (ffulks@springgardenacademy.org) or Candace Wegner (candace@nextgenministries.us). 215-226-1000

Let's Get our Buildings Ready for Summer Ministries!


Painters, Organizers, and General Labor Volunteers Needed

Saturday, June 13 – Friday, June 19, flexible hours (but we need to plan, so let us know!)

Please contact Bob Monreal (bmonreal@springgardenacademy.org) or Amy dela Cruz (adelacruz@springgardenacademy.org) for more information.  215-226-1000



Church Work Nights

Cleaning and Decorating Together for Summer Camp

Thursday, June 18 – Highway, -- 6-9 pm

Friday, June 19 – Resurrection – 6-9 pm

Dinner provided!

Please contact Bob Monreal (bmonreal@springgardenacademy.org) or Amy dela Cruz (adelacruz@springgardenacademy.org) for more information.  215-226-1000



Next Generation Ministries is accepting applications for our summer high school internship ministry.

See www.NextGenMinistries.us for dates and basic requirements.

All interested teens should RSVP to attend an information meeting as the internship requirements and focus are changing this summer.  Interns under the age of 18 should attend with a parent.  We are accepting a smaller number of interns this year, so please contact us soon if interested.  For more information or RSVP: 

Fatima Fulks: ffulks@springgardenacademy.org

Candace Wegner: candace@nextgenministries.us


Information Meeting Dates:

Thursday, June 4, 7 pm  Highway Tabernacle
Tuesday, June 9, 7 pm Resurrection Life
Thursday, June 18, 7 pm Highway Tabernacle
Friday, June 19, 7 pm Resurrection Life

Come out and support the 4th-8th graders of Spring Garden Academy

as they perform selections from William Shakespeare's

"A Midsummer Night's Dream" on June 5, 2015 from 6:00- 9:00 pm!

Dinner and child care will be provided!


Tickets are $5 per person (or pay what you can) and all

proceeds will go to middle and high school summer camp.

Please call 215-226-1000 or email nboucher@springgardenacademy.org

if interested in purchasing tickets.

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