E-bulletin 6/29/15


Monday, June 29, 2015

“Following Jesus and Loving People”


I hope I never cease to wonder. As I walk and drive about, I often rejoice and thank God for the amazing grace he extends to our nation. The July Fourth celebration, for me, is a lot more than fireworks and picnics. It’s a time to renew prayer for America and to express gratitude for his mercies which are new every morning. I am not old, but I have noticed a shocking decline in the morals of our country. This includes common decency and civility as a whole. Although not pessimistic, I don’t see the possibility of change without a mighty move of God’s Spirit. All around, we see the rotten fruit of our rebellion with God. People are loaded down with guilt and all the complications that come from violence, lies, immorality and broken relationships. And yet, with all our problems, God is still patient and willing to forgive and bless us…if we will come to him. The Psalmist declared, “If you, O Lord, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness; therefore you are feared” (Psalm 130:3-4). For any one of us to stand before a Holy God with the list of all our sinful thoughts and deeds would bring immediate condemnation and judgment. However, God offers us forgiveness and life through Jesus! Christ came and traveled this pathway so that we would not have to travel the road of sin and destruction. His death and resurrection is the true hope of our nation! Would you pray with me, that first our own hearts would be tender before God. In 2 Chronicles 7:14, Solomon’s prayer for the nation of Israel starts with, “If my people, who are called by name, will humble themselves and pray…” After personal repentance, let’s pray for the people all around us in this great nation who don’t have the assurance and joy of sins forgiven. Only eternity will reveal how important our prayers have been! Let’s do our part…and trust God to do what only he can do.

Pastor Mark Boucher


TUESDAY, 4-6:30PM, Love in Action Outreach Ministry food prep.  6:30PM, prayer at Highway Tabernacle.  7PM, convene at LOVE Park.

TUESDAY, 6:30PM, Hope4Philly meeting at Mercy Center.

THURSDAY, 6-8:15 PM, Camp Family Cookout at Highway Tabernacle.

FRIDAY, NOON, Hour of Prayer at Resurrection Life Church.

FRIDAY, 6-8:15 PM, Camp Family Cookout at Resurrection Life Church.


SUNDAY, JULY 5, 8-9 AM, Pop-Up Breakfast Café setup and food prep at Highway Tabernacle. 9-9:45, Breakfast.


Looking ahead…


Join us at Highway Tabernacle for “Courageous Living In Difficult Times”: An Eight-Week Bible Study from the Book of Daniel. The study will be on Sunday nights, July 12th–August 30th, from 6:00-7:15 PM.






Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org

Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon



If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org


Urgent: Ministry Team Support Needed!


Friday, June 26, 2015

“Following Jesus and Loving People”

Donating/ Providing Meals/ Hosting Opportunities



Dwelling Point, a music group from North Point College, joins us late Sunday evening, June 28,  for a week of ministry with Next Generation Ministries (NGM) and our churches.  They will be leading chapels, running music clubs for our campers, sharing about college life with our high school students, participating in evangelism and Love-in-Action, sharing at our Family Night Ministry, and experiencing ministry in the city.


There are eight team members, six men and two women.  If you can host these students (especially the two women!) at your home, please let us know.



Also, if anyone can loan air mattresses, please let us know. They are needed as soon as possible to help this team.


We also need volunteers to provide or donate funds toward meals for the team:

·        Dinner, Monday evening, June 29  (this would be a great time to host the team)

·        Lunches, Monday, June 29-Friday, July 3  (funds are probably best as the group will be in ministry throughout the day)


If you can help, please contact Becky Robbins (becky@nextgenministries.us) or Candace Wegner (candace@nextgenministries.us).





E-bulletin: Air Mattresses Needed!


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

“Following Jesus and Loving People”

Air Mattresses Needed



Dwelling Point, a music group from North Point College, joins us late Sunday evening, June 28,  for a week of ministry with Next Generation Ministries (NGM) and our churches.  They will be leading chapels, running music clubs for our campers, sharing about college life with our high school students, participating in evangelism and Love-in-Action, sharing at our Family Night Ministry, and experiencing ministry in the city.


Air mattresses are needed as soon as possible to help this team.


If you can help with this specific need, please contact Becky Robbins (becky@nextgenministries.us) or Candace Wegner (candace@nextgenministries.us).






E-bulletin: Ministry Team Support Needed!


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

“Following Jesus and Loving People”

Donating/ Providing Meals/ Hosting Opportunities



Dwelling Point, a music group from North Point College, joins us late Sunday evening, June 28,  for a week of ministry with Next Generation Ministries (NGM) and our churches.  They will be leading chapels, running music clubs for our campers, sharing about college life with our high school students, participating in evangelism and Love-in-Action, sharing at our Family Night Ministry, and experiencing ministry in the city.


There are eight team members, six men and two women.  If you can host these students (especially the two women!) at your home, please let us know.


We also need volunteers to provide or donate funds toward meals for the team:

·        Dinner, Monday evening, June 29  (this would be a great time to host the team)

·        Lunches, Monday, June 29-Friday, July 3  (funds are probably best as the group will be in ministry throughout the day)

·        Sunday lunch, July 5 (after RLC service) 


If you can help, please contact Becky Robbins (becky@nextgenministries.us) or Candace Wegner (candace@nextgenministries.us).





E-bulletin 6/22/15


Monday, June 22, 2015

“Following Jesus and Loving People”


I don’t usually remember dreams. However, last night was different. In my dream I was at Clemente Park and saw the faces of several children in our neighborhood. They had a faraway look of emptiness and confusion. I thought about how they were growing up and what they were exposed to in our culture. My heart broke as I realized many of them had a heart for God, but their parents were too busy seeking their own pleasures. They didn’t give their children any spiritual guidance and didn’t even feel the need to connect them with a church. The children became “fresh meat” for the wolf. The kids had no one to protect them from the destructive forces of evil…and were lost. In my dream, I remember coming up with “my” solution. Maybe the Lord wants Terry and me to adopt some of these kids. The parents don’t seem to want them and we have some room in our place.  Then I woke up. I realized that trying to adopt other people’s children was not going to work. However, what if we as Christian adults would pray, love, mentor and “adopt” some of these kids…becoming spiritual parents for them? What if we went out of our way to develop friendships with the parents, praying for them and encouraging them to follow Jesus? We can make a difference! We may not be able to help all the children, but we can help some.

One day, the disciples found themselves consumed with an ego issue of “who would be the greatest”. Jesus took a little child and had him stand beside him and said, “Whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. For he who is least among you all-he is the greatest” Luke 9:47-48. The message Jesus sends us is pretty clear: if you want to be someone special in his kingdom, welcome, serve, and love the weak and vulnerable among you. Bless the children!

Pastor Mark Boucher


TUESDAY, 4-6:30PM, LOVE IN ACTION Outreach Ministry food prep.  6:30PM, prayer at Highway Tabernacle.  7PM, convene at LOVE Park.

TUESDAY, 6:30PM, HOPE 4 PHILLY Planning Meeting at Mercy.

THURSDAY, 6-8:15PM, Camp Family Night at Highway Tabernacle.

FRIDAY, NOON, Hour of Prayer at Resurrection Life Church.

FRIDAY, 6-9PM, Camp Family Night at Resurrection Life Church.

SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 10AM, Graduate Recognition in service at Highway Tabernacle. Luncheon immediate following service at 11:45AM.

RSVP with Nicole– 215-563-9192 or office@highwaytabernacle.org.

SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 6PM, Submerge Worship at Highway Tabernacle. 



Looking ahead…


We are excited about the Family Night Ministries throughout the summer!  Four or five groups from places like Massachusetts, New York and Central PA are coming our way to join us in outreach and ministry, including special  talent nights and block parties!  Pray about these summer events and stay connected.  Our first group is from Hillside Christian Fellowship; they are with us this week!




Get Involved in Bible Quiz –New Season Starting!


We are thrilled to lead the launch of both a Junior and Teen Bible Quiz league for Philadelphia.  Come and find out more about this initiative and how you might get involved.  There are many possible roles – coaches, meet officials, prayer partners, memorization buddies, and financial investors – for adults.  All children and youth (1st-12th grades) are encouraged to join a team!


Friday, June 26, 7:30 pm Resurrection Life


If you know of other Christian schools and churches who might want to get involved, let us know.  Next Generation Ministries is committed to investing in discipleship ministries for youth and children across our city.


We will starting our summer practices in camp so we have a strong school year season. 


For more information or to RSVP for a meeting, Fatima Fulks (ffulks@springgardenacademy.org) or Candace Wegner (candace@nextgenministries.us). 215-226-1000







Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org

Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon



If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org


E-bulletin: Attention Graduates!


Thursday, June 18, 2015

“Following Jesus and Loving People”


Are you a graduate this year?

High School


Post Grad


We would love to honor you with a special recognition and lunch

on Sunday, June 28, 2015.


Recognition in service- 10:00 AM

Lunch immediately following service- 11:45 AM


Please RSVP with Nicole at 215-563-9192 or office@highwaytabernacle.org.





E-bulletin 6/15/15


Monday, June 15, 2015

“Following Jesus and Loving People”


One morning this week I was at Fairmount park praying. The skies were overcast and threatening. Suddenly, the heavens opened in the midst of the dark clouds and a wonderful ray of sunlight lighted up “my world”. My mind traveled to Jeremiah and the dark days he faced. Most of God’s people had “lost their Bible” and were shamelessly running after evil. God loved them, but warned, “I will enslave you to your enemies in a land you do not know, for my anger will kindle a fire that will burn against you” (Jeremiah 15:14). Jeremiah’s heart broke for the people and the coming judgment. Then, in the midst of his tears, a “sunshine ray” from God burst through the clouds! Jeremiah declared, “When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, O Lord God Almighty. I never sat in the company of revelers, never made merry with them; I sat alone because your hand was on me…(Jere. 15:16-17).

So, here we see the secret of Jeremiah’s perseverance in difficult times. He separated himself from sin and found his delight in the Lord and his Word. Instead of partying with the wicked (like the majority) he willingly found his pleasure in God, specifically in God’s Word. I don’t have to be a prophet to tell you dark clouds have gathered over our country. Each day seems to reveal increasingly more bizarre evil. Yet, instead of    compromising our morals or becoming critical and reclusive, we can find the joy of the Lord as our strength. The question is, “are we willing to feed on God’s Word?” Those who will avoid being swept up in the tsunami of sin in these last days will learn to fix their minds on Jesus and love him enough to saturate themselves daily in the Word. May our motto be “every day in the Word!”

Please pray for our church and community as we begin a four week Sunday morning series at Highway entitled, “How the Bible can Change your Life!”

Pastor Mark Boucher

TUESDAY, Deacons’ meeting at Highway. 




THURSDAY, 6-8:15PM, WORK NIGHT at Highway Tabernacle.


FRIDAY, NOON, Hour of Prayer  at Resurrection Life Church.

FRIDAY, 6-9PM, WORK NIGHT @ Resurrection Life Church.


SUNDAY, June 21st we celebrate our dads!



Looking ahead…


We are excited about the Family Night Ministries throughout the summer!  Four or five groups from places like              Massachusetts, New York and Central PA are coming our way to join us in outreach and ministry, including special   talent nights and block parties!  Pray about these summer events and stay connected.





Get Involved in Bible Quiz –New Season Starting!


We are thrilled to lead the launch of both a Junior and Teen Bible Quiz league for Philadelphia.  Come and find out more about this initiative and how you might get involved.  There are many possible roles – coaches, meet officials, prayer partners, memorization buddies, and financial investors – for adults.  All children and youth (1st-12th grades) are encouraged to join a team!


Thursday, June 18, 7 pm Highway Tabernacle.

Friday, June 19, 7 pm Resurrection Life

Friday, June 26, 7:30 pm Resurrection Life


If you know of other Christian schools and churches who might want to get involved, let us know.  Next Generation Ministries is committed to investing in discipleship ministries for youth and children across our city.


We will starting our summer practices in camp so we have a strong school year season. 


For more information or to RSVP for a meeting, Fatima Fulks (ffulks@springgardenacademy.org) or Candace Wegner (candace@nextgenministries.us). 215-226-1000








Next Generation Ministries is accepting applications for our summer high school internship ministry. See www.nextgenministries.us<http://www.nextgenministries.us> for dates and basic requirements.


All interested teens should RVSP to attend an information meeting as the internship requirements and focus are changing this summer.  Interns under the age of 18 should attend with a parent.  We are accepting a smaller number of interns this year, so please contact us soon if interested.  For more information or RSVP:  Fatima Fulks (ffulks@springgardenacademy.org<mailto:ffulks@springgardenacademy.org>) or Candace Wegner (candace@nextgenministries.us<mailto:candace@nextgenministries.us>). 215-226-1000


Information Meeting Dates:


Thursday, June 18, 7 pm Highway Tabernacle

Friday, June 19, 7 pm Resurrection Life




Let’s Get our Buildings Ready for Summer Ministries!

Painters, Organizers, and General Labor Volunteers Needed

Saturday, June 13 – Friday, June 19, flexible hours (but we need to plan, so let us know!)

Please contact Bob Monreal (bmonreal@springgardenacademy.org) or Amy dela Cruz (adelacruz@springgardenacademy.org) for more information.  215-226-1000







Church Work Nights

Cleaning and Decorating Together for Summer Camp

Thursday, June 18 – Highway, -- 6-9 pm

Friday, June 19 – Resurrection – 6-9 pm

Dinner provided!

Please contact Bob Monreal (bmonreal@springgardenacademy.org) or Amy dela Cruz (adelacruz@springgardenacademy.org) for more information.  215-226-1000














Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org

Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon



If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org


E-bulletin: New Sermon Series


Friday, June 12, 2015

“Following Jesus and Loving People”



Join us as we start a new, 4-week, transformative

sermon series at Highway Tabernacle:

“How the Bible Can Change Your Life!”


Highway Tabernacle, Sundays at 10:00 am

1801 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia










School Family Worship Celebrations 6PM


Thursday, June 11, 2015

“Following Jesus and Loving People”



Spring Garden Academy

invites you to our

School Family Worship Celebrations!


Thursday, June 11th, program starts at 6:00 pm at HT (18th & Spring Garden)

Friday, June 12th, program starts at 6:00 pm at RLC (17th & Tioga)


Light refreshments to follow.


To contribute refreshments, please call the offices at

215-563-9192 or 215-226-1000.



E-bulletin: School Family Worship Celebrations!


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

“Following Jesus and Loving People”



Spring Garden Academy

invites you to our

School Family Worship Celebrations!


Thursday, June 11th at 6:00 pm at HT (18th & Spring Garden)

Friday, June 12th at 6:00 pm at RLC (17th & Tioga)


Light refreshments to follow.


To contribute refreshments, please call the offices at

215-563-9192 or 215-226-1000.



E-bulletin 6/8/15


Monday, June 8, 2015

“Following Jesus and Loving People”



Mentoring is fun! Last year the Lord put on my heart to invite some young men in the church into our home for fellowship, with the intention of influencing them to grow in the Lord and become Christian leaders.        Mentoring, in one form or another, is so important for our church and “The Next Generation Ministries”. When we hear the word “mentor” we sometimes think, “that is complicated and I would never be able to do it.” However, let’s think of mentoring as simply sharing life with those less experienced. Here’s what we do at the Boucher’s: We get together about two or three times a month (we see each other more than this). After enjoying some food together, we open the Bible and read one chapter. Right now we are going through the Book of Proverbs because of the great practical applications to youth (Proverbs was written by King Solomon to impart wisdom to his children). After we read, we discuss one or two verses which catch our attention and then share with each other why this verse stood out to us. After this, we take turns sharing a “glad” and a “sad”. The question we ask each other is, “in the past few weeks, what is the happiest thing that has happened to you”, and “what is the saddest or most difficult thing that has happened to you.” Then, we pray for each other. Altogether, our time of sharing is about 20 to 30 minutes. This past week, we read   Proverbs 18. After we read the chapter together (and they shared their  verses), I shared Prov. 18:13, “He who answers before listening-that is his folly and his shame.” We then talked about how important it is to not make quick judgments on others, and the need to try to understand people and the circumstances. In conclusion, I would encourage you to reach out to a young person or child. If you have children, consider using the simple format above to get closer to your own children. If God leads you to reach out to another young person, first get together with their parent or guardian and talk it over. And remember, we all “mentor” and teach by the way we handle the challenges and blessings of our own life.

Pastor Mark Boucher




FRIDAY, noon, HOUR OF PRAYER @ Resurrection Life Church.


SUNDAY, June 14th, Plan to ride with us for a church picnic with our Partnership Church, Trinity in West Chester. The bus will leave right after service at Highway.


Looking ahead…

We are excited about the Family Night Ministries throughout the summer!  Four or five groups from places like Massachusetts, New York and Central PA our coming our way to join us in outreach and ministry, including special talent nights and block parties!  Pray about these summer events and stay connected.




Get Involved in Bible Quiz—

New Season Starting!


We are thrilled to lead the launch of both a Junior and Teen Bible Quiz league for Philadelphia.  Come and find out more about this initiative and how you might get involved.  There are many possible roles – coaches, meet officials, prayer partners, memorization buddies, and financial investors – for adults.  All children and youth (1st-12th grades) are encouraged to join a team!


Tuesday, June 9, 7 pm Resurrection Life

Thursday, June 18, 7 pm Highway Tabernacle

Friday, June 19, 7 pm Resurrection Life

Friday, June 26, 8 pm Resurrection Life


If you know of other Christian schools and churches who might want to get involved, let us know.  Next Generation Ministries is committed to investing in discipleship ministries for youth and children across our city.


We will starting our summer practices in camp so we have a strong school year season. 


For more information or to RSVP for a meeting, Fatima Fulks (ffulks@springgardenacademy.org) or Candace Wegner (candace@nextgenministries.us). 215-226-1000




Let’s Get our Buildings Ready for Summer Ministries!


Painters, Organizers, and General Labor Volunteers Needed

Saturday, June 13 – Friday, June 19, flexible hours (but we need to plan, so let us know!)

Please contact Bob Monreal (bmonreal@springgardenacademy.org) or Amy dela Cruz (adelacruz@springgardenacademy.org) for more information.  215-226-1000




Church Work Nights

Cleaning and Decorating Together for Summer Camp

Thursday, June 18 – Highway, -- 6-9 pm

Friday, June 19 – Resurrection – 6-9 pm

Dinner provided!

Please contact Bob Monreal (bmonreal@springgardenacademy.org) or Amy dela Cruz (adelacruz@springgardenacademy.org) for more information.  215-226-1000







Next Generation Ministries is accepting applications for our summer high school internship ministry.

See www.NextGenMinistries.us for dates and basic requirements.

All interested teens should RSVP to attend an information meeting as the internship requirements and focus are changing this summer.  Interns under the age of 18 should attend with a parent.  We are accepting a smaller number of interns this year, so please contact us soon if interested.  For more information or RSVP: 

Fatima Fulks: ffulks@springgardenacademy.org

Candace Wegner: candace@nextgenministries.us



Information Meeting Dates:

Tuesday, June 9, 7 pm Resurrection Life
Thursday, June 18, 7 pm Highway Tabernacle
Friday, June 19, 7 pm Resurrection Life