A Midsummer's Night Dream


Friday, May 29, 2015

“Following Jesus and Loving People”



Come out and support the 4th-8th graders of Spring Garden Academy

as they perform selections from William Shakespeare's

"A Midsummer Night's Dream" on June 5, 2015 from 6:00- 9:00 pm!

Dinner and child care will be provided!


Tickets are $5 per person (or pay what you can) and all

proceeds will go to middle and high school summer camp.

Please call 215-226-1000 or email

if interested in purchasing tickets.










Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org

Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon



If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org


E-bulletin: Upcoming Events


Friday, May 29, 2015

“Following Jesus and Loving People”






Get Involved in Bible Quiz –New Season Starting!


We are thrilled to lead the launch of both a Junior and Teen Bible Quiz league for Philadelphia.  Come and find out more about this initiative and how you might get involved.  There are many possible roles – coaches, meet officials, prayer partners, memorization buddies, and financial investors – for adults.  All children and youth (1st-12th grades) are encouraged to join a team!


Friday, May 29, 7 pm Resurrection Life Church

Thursday, June 4, 7 pm  Highway Tabernacle

Tuesday, June 9, 7 pm Resurrection Life

Thursday, June 18, 7 pm Highway Tabernacle.

Friday, June 19, 7 pm Resurrection Life

Friday, June 26, 7:30 pm Resurrection Life


If you know of other Christian schools and churches who might want to get involved, let us know.  Next Generation Ministries is committed to investing in discipleship ministries for youth and children across our city.


We will starting our summer practices in camp so we have a strong school year season. 


For more information or to RSVP for a meeting, Fatima Fulks (ffulks@springgardenacademy.org) or Candace Wegner (candace@nextgenministries.us). 215-226-1000








Next Generation Ministries is accepting applications for our summer high school internship ministry. See www.nextgenministries.us<http://www.nextgenministries.us> for dates and basic requirements.


All interested teens should RVSP to attend an information meeting as the internship requirements and focus are changing this summer.  Interns under the age of 18 should attend with a parent.  We are accepting a smaller number of interns this year, so please contact us soon if interested.  For more information or RSVP:  Fatima Fulks (ffulks@springgardenacademy.org<mailto:ffulks@springgardenacademy.org>) or Candace Wegner (candace@nextgenministries.us<mailto:candace@nextgenministries.us>). 215-226-1000


Information Meeting Dates:


Friday, May 29, 7 pm Resurrection Life Church

Thursday, June 4, 7 pm Highway Tabernacle

Tuesday, June 9, 7 pm Resurrection Life

Thursday, June 18, 7 pm Highway Tabernacle

Friday, June 19, 7 pm Resurrection Life




Let’s Get our Buildings Ready for Summer Ministries!

Painters, Organizers, and General Labor Volunteers Needed

Saturday, June 13 – Friday, June 19, flexible hours (but we need to plan, so let us know!)

Please contact Bob Monreal (bmonreal@springgardenacademy.org) or Amy dela Cruz (adelacruz@springgardenacademy.org) for more information.  215-226-1000







Church Work Nights

Cleaning and Decorating Together for Summer Camp

Thursday, June 18 – Highway, -- 6-9 pm

Friday, June 19 – Resurrection – 6-9 pm

Dinner provided!

Please contact Bob Monreal (bmonreal@springgardenacademy.org) or Amy dela Cruz (adelacruz@springgardenacademy.org) for more information.  215-226-1000














Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org

Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon



If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org


E-bulletin 5/26/15

Tuesday, May 26, 2015
"Following Jesus and Loving People"

Picture yourself at a parade and you're only 5 years old. There's a
wooden fence in front of you and the only way you can see the parade
is through a small hole in the fence. As it goes by, you see bits and
pieces but can't see the beginning or the end of the parade. This
vision of the parade often describes our life. We have a limited
perspective. One day a woman named Martha (a friend of Jesus)
questioned Jesus because her brother had died. The family sent for
Jesus while Lazarus, her brother, was sick but Jesus did not come
until the fourth day. Lazarus died and it seemed all hope was gone.
"Lord, Martha said to Jesus, if you had been here, my brother would
not have died" (John 11:21). From her "knothole" view, Martha
concluded that Jesus was late and the opportunities for help were
gone. However, from this story of Lazarus we rise above the fence of
our limited perspective and see that God does have everything under
control. His ways are higher than ours, and he can turn negatives into
something good. After all, he is the one who proclaimed, "I am the
resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even
though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die"
(John 11:25). Lazarus rose from the dead.
As many of you know, I attended the funeral of my older brother
(Steve) this past weekend. Although he died young, we are comforted to
know that he is with Jesus. In January of 2006, my brother sent me the
following words to a song that blessed him.

Pastor Mark Boucher

THURSDAY, 6-8:15PM, FAMILY JAM (Jesus and Me) NIGHT @ Highway
Tabernacle. Call 215-563-9192 to share your talent or for more

FRIDAY, noon, Hour of prayer @ Resurrection Life Church.

FRIDAY, 6-9PM, FAMILY NIGHT @ Resurrection Life. Call 215-226-1000
for more information.

SUNDAY, May 31st, special guest in AM service.

SUNDAY, May 31st, 6:30PM, Celebration of Pentecost service @ Calvary
Temple with Guest Speaker, Wes Daughenbaugh. Location of church: 3301
South 20th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19145. The bus will be leaving
Highway @ 5:30PM (meet at Brandywine entrance door). For more details
see Pastor Mark.

"When the day of Pentecost came they were all together in one place…"
Acts 2:1. Let's gather together and see what the Holy Spirit does!

E-bulletin 5/22/15


Friday, May 22, 2015

“Following Jesus and Loving People”


Hello Friends and Family of Highway,

This Sunday, May 24th is Pentecost Sunday! We honor this special day because of the events from the Bible (Acts chapter two) where we read of the Holy Spirit being poured out from heaven on believers. Today, we live in exciting days because the Holy Spirit is present in our midst! Those who invite Jesus into their lives receive the Spirit and can also receive a special empowering from the Lord…referred to in the Book of Acts as the baptism in the Holy Spirit (some places speak of “filled with the Holy Spirit, or Spirit “poured” on them).

Where would we be without the Holy Spirit? He fills, comforts, strengthens, guides, corrects, teaches, reveals, and convicts…and more! To honor the Holy Spirit and the day of Pentecost, we invite you to join with us:


·        This Sunday morning at Highway (10:00am) the message will be from Galatians 5:16-26 on “Life in the Spirit…the Great Contest”


·        This Sunday night at Highway (6:00pm) we will present ourselves to the Holy Spirit in a time of worship and prayer called “Submerge”



·        Sunday morning May 31rst, Evangelist/Teacher Wes Daughenbaugh will be speaking at Highway in the morning (10:00am).


·        Sunday evening May 31rst (6:30pm) Pastor Wes will be speaking at Calvary Temple (3301 S. 20th St, South Philly) on the amazing baptism in the Holy Spirit. We will have opportunity to seek the Lord at the altar after the message. On a personal note, as a pastor, I have seen God use Pastor Wes to lead more people into the baptism of the Spirit (according to Acts) than anyone else I know. Other Churches in our section have been invited to this meeting, and our bus will leave Highway at 5:30pm. Please contact Pastor Mark if you will be riding the bus.




Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org

Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon



If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org








E-bulletin: Ladies Group Tomorrow- Last Chapter of "In the Gap"


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

“Following Jesus and Loving People”



Join us tomorrow night for snack & discussion:



Ladies, You Are Invited!

Tomorrow Night, 7:00 pm

Highway Tabernacle, 1801 Spring Garden St. Philadelphia, PA



Caleb: Had A Different Spirit

(In the Gap, Chapter 9)





E-bulletin 5/18/15


Monday, May 18, 2015

“Following Jesus and Loving People”



What can be more important than healthy relationships? Developing and maintaining healthy relationships is a core value at Highway and Resurrection Life Church. We understand that in order to enjoy others, we need to flourish in our relationship with God. This comes first. The Psalm writer Asaph said, “But as for me, it is good to be near God” (Psalm 73:28). How do we experience health and nearness to God?  He is perfect and we are so…not perfect. The starting place is admitting our need of God. I can only approach him because he made a way. Turning aside from the illusion of my own “goodness”, I can approach God in faith, believing that he is able to wash me in the blood of Jesus and allow me continual access to his very presence! My nearness is because of his goodness. This relationship, however, requires more than a salvation experience in the past. To be near to God requires us to deal with daily sins…to quickly admit faults and refuse to harbor disobedience in our spirit. As we receive love, acceptance, and encouragement from our relationship with God, we are then able to love others in a healthy and appropriate way. In fact, our nearness to God depends on how we treat others. If we love and treat others with dignity and respect, we experience a sweetness from the Holy Spirit. But, if we hurt and tear down the family of God, we create distance between our heart and God. Yesterday, I saw a man sitting on a bench at Logan Square. He was hollering at someone to his left, and when I looked more closely, I realized he was speaking into the air. I felt sorry for him and wondered about all the sick and unhealthy relationships of his past that contributed to his present condition. Without healthy relationships we are all sick and hopeless. May Jesus continue to give us his grace to live right with God and people.

Pastor Mark Boucher


MONDAY, 6:30PM, HOPE 4 PHILLY planning meeting @ Zion Baptist Church.

TUESDAY, 6PM, Deacons’ meeting @ Highway Tabernacle.

WEDNESDAY, 6:30PM, LOVE IN ACTION OUTREACH will meet for prayer at    Highway Tabernacle before convening at Café Cret on Franklin Parkway.  God is giving us answers to prayer and fruitfulness. The power is God’s, the step is ours.

THURSDAY, 6-8:15PM, FAMILY NIGHT @ Highway Tabernacle.  Call 215-563-9192 for more information.

FRIDAY, noon, prayer @ Resurrection Life Church.

FRIDAY, 6-9PM, FAMILY JAM (Jesus and Me) NIGHT @ Resurrection Life.  Call 215-226-1000 to share your talent or for more information.

SUNDAY, May 24th, Submerge Worship Night @ Highway Tabernacle.

MONDAY, May 25th, SGA CLOSED in observance of Memorial Day.


Scholarship Reception


The Spring Garden Academy Scholarship Organization is investing in our children by providing scholarships for low-income, K-12 students to attend high-performing, quality, Christian schools in Philadelphia.


We invite you and your colleagues and family to a reception to learn more about how you (or your employer) can grow our scholarship fund through the PA state tax credit program. Some individuals may be able to give a donation that costs them very little of the actual value to the family receiving the scholarship.  For example:  Through the tax credit program, a $500 investment can yield close to $5000 for our fund.


We will also discuss how individuals can give directly to the fund. Check out the video link below to see the impact these scholarships make on the lives of families in our city: http://www.springgardenacademy.org/scholarship.html.

We will also discuss how individuals can give directly to the fund.


Final dessert reception will be held Friday, May 22nd. Inbox us or call 215-226-1000 for an invitation or information.















Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org

Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon



If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org






Scholarship Reception and Kids' Fun Arts


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

“Following Jesus and Loving People”


Scholarship Reception


The Spring Garden Academy Scholarship Organization is investing in our children by providing scholarships for low-income, K-12 students to attend high-performing, quality, Christian schools in Philadelphia.


We invite you and your colleagues and family to a reception to learn more about how you (or your employer) can grow our scholarship fund through the PA state tax credit program. Some individuals may be able to give a donation that costs them very little of the actual value to the family receiving the scholarship.  For example:  Through the tax credit program, a $500 investment can yield close to $5000 for our fund.


We will also discuss how individuals can give directly to the fund.


Receptions will be held Friday, May 15th and Friday, May 22nd. Inbox us or call 215-226-1000 for an invitation or information.






Resurrection Life Church/ Highway Tabernacle will be participating in the PennDel District Assemblies of God Kids’ Fun Arts Day on Saturday, May 16th, at 17th and Tioga.  This event begins at 8 am with breakfast and will end around noon. 


Since we are hosting, we will need our church family to greet guests, serve food, volunteer as judges, and encourage the talented children!  Please call Becky Robbins (brobbins@springgardenacademy.org) or Candace Wegner (candace@springgardenacademy.org or 215-226-1000) to volunteer.








Michele Singh

Administrative Office








New series Bible study class at Res Life starting Sunday


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

“Following Jesus and Loving People”





Bible study class "7 Basic Principles For Every Believer" for next 7 weeks @ Resurrection Life Church.  The class will be at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday starting May 17.











Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org

Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon



If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org








Scholarship Reception and Kids' Fun Arts


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

“Following Jesus and Loving People”


Scholarship Reception


The Spring Garden Academy Scholarship Organization is investing in our children by providing scholarships for low-income, K-12 students to attend high-performing, quality, Christian schools in Philadelphia.


We invite you and your colleagues and family to a reception to learn more about how you (or your employer) can grow our scholarship fund through the PA state tax credit program. Some individuals may be able to give a donation that costs them very little of the actual value to the family receiving the scholarship.  For example:  Through the tax credit program, a $500 investment can yield close to $5000 for our fund.


We will also discuss how individuals can give directly to the fund.


Receptions will be held Friday, May 15th and Friday, May 22nd. Inbox us or call 215-226-1000 for an invitation or information.






Resurrection Life Church/ Highway Tabernacle will be participating in the PennDel District Assemblies of God Kids’ Fun Arts Day on Saturday, May 16th, at 17th and Tioga.  This event begins at 8 am with breakfast and will end around noon. 


Since we are hosting, we will need our church family to greet guests, serve food, volunteer as judges, and encourage the talented children!  Please call Becky Robbins (brobbins@springgardenacademy.org) or Candace Wegner (candace@springgardenacademy.org or 215-226-1000) to volunteer.













E-bulletin 5/11/15


Monday, May 11, 2015

“Following Jesus and Loving People”


A lot of us still don’t get it. We think, “If I just have more money…then I can get the things I really want, and be happy.” However, the accumulation of stuff never fills our heart or satisfies our longing for meaning. I heard someone say this past week, “The older I get the more I realize my purpose in life is not in getting more things, but in serving and influencing others.” As we celebrate Mother’s Day, I realize that most Moms have a certain “instinct” about giving and serving. I will never forget a “snapshot” moment when I was around seven. I grew up with two brothers and food just seemed to disintegrate in the presence of three growing boys! Mom and I were in the kitchen together one afternoon and I opened the refrigerator door. One piece of yesterday’s dessert of apple pie was still on the lower shelf. I asked Mom if she had any of the pie yet and she said no, but insisted that I have the last piece. In my self-centered seven year old world this simple act left an impression on me. Mom would have enjoyed the pie, but she would rather have me enjoy it…even though I already had some. I am so grateful for a Mother who loved and followed Jesus. She knew the One who said, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). By all that he did, Jesus inspires us to die to our tendency to live for ourselves and to live a “higher life”…willingly loving and serving others. Even if you did not grow up with a godly mother, you can choose to be grateful. Jesus came to serve and you can make a lasting impact on the people around you by loving Jesus and giving of yourself. That is the real “stuff” of life!

Pastor Mark Boucher

THURSDAY, 6-8:15PM, FAMILY NIGHT @ Highway Tabernacle.  Call 215-563-9192 for more information.

FRIDAY, 6-9PM, FAMILY NIGHT @ Resurrection Life.  Call 215-226-1000 for more information.

SATURDAY, May 16th, KIDS FUN ARTS 8-2PM @ Resurrection Life Church.  If you can volunteer, please contact office at 215-226-1000.

SUNDAY, May 17th, Submerge Worship Night 6PM @ Highway Tabernacle.

Scholarship Reception


The Spring Garden Academy Scholarship Organization is investing in our children by providing scholarships for low-income, K-12 students to attend high-performing, quality, Christian schools in Philadelphia.


We invite you and your colleagues and family to a reception to learn more about how you (or your employer) can grow our scholarship fund through the PA state tax credit program. Some individuals may be able to give a donation that costs them very little of the actual value to the family receiving the scholarship.  For example:  Through the tax credit program, a $500 investment can yield close to $5000 for our fund.


We will also discuss how individuals can give directly to the fund.


Receptions will be held Friday, May 15th and Friday, May 22nd. Inbox us or call 215-226-1000 for an invitation or information.




Christian Family Needed

Next Generation Ministries is searching for a mature Christian family, preferably a family who has raised or is raising children, to provide housing and guidance to a young person in the last years of high school.  If you know a family who may be able to meet this need, please contact Candace Wegner at 215-226-1000 or candace@nextgenministries.us.

















Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org

Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen


Weekly Schedules

Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon



If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org