The deacons have invited Pastor Timothy Harris and his wife, Kim, to come as candidates for the pastorate of Highway Tabernacle and Resurrection Life Church. They will join us for a combined service on January 16th, to be followed by a business meeting at which the members will vote whether or not to install them as the next pastors. The deacons ask you all to join us in asking God whether or not the Harrises are his choice to pastor our churches going forward.
As you recall, at the outset of this process, I told you that the church would not be without a pastor in the pulpit during the transition and that the Wegners had agreed to stay during the interim. Because their schedule, including time for much-needed rest, does not permit Pastor Wegner to join us in January, we have asked Chris Rainey, who has preached at Highway and Resurrection Life on more than one occasion, to fill the pulpit through the end of the month. Do not be surprised to see Pastor Wegner back in his familiar spot in February, though, should the Holy Spirit direct the membership away from electing the Harrises as our next pastors.
Here's what we need you to do.
1. Keep an eye on the bulletin, the web site, and the e-bulletin for details and any updated information.
2. As you have been praying about the transition in general, begin praying specifically for the Lord's leading with respect to the Harrises.
3. Members, make every effort to be with us on January 16th. We are counting on you to vote in accordance with the leading of the Spirit.
Please direct any questions that you may have to me.
Otis A. Fortenberry,
Secretary, Board of Deacons
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