Monday, July 6, 2015
“Following Jesus and Loving People”
“I don’t own, I rent.” When you read these words, your mind automatically visualizes homes and apartments. However, these words reflect the way I think about life. Jesus told a parable (Luke 19:11-27) about a landowner who “planted a vineyard, rented it to some farmers and went away for a long time” (v.10). The landowner later sent some of his servants to the property to receive some fruit from the tenants. However, things went terribly wrong. The misguided tenants thought they owned the place and resented the landowner asking for anything. They even killed his son, thinking, “This is the heir. Let’s kill him, and the inheritance will be ours” (v14). In the end, the landowner destroys the tenants and gives the vineyard to others. Jesus spoke this story to the chief priests and teachers of the law, warning them of the dangers to come if they persisted in their evil ways. You see, they got it all wrong. Just because they had some power and authority in religious matters, they thought of themselves as owners. They conveniently forgot they would give an account to the real Owner. This parable by Jesus greatly impacts my life. As a pastor, I realize that the church and God’s people do not belong to me. In fact, all “my” possessions and material things do not belong to me either. Things come to me and through me, but do not stay with me. When I die, I won’t even have my back pack to take along. It all stays. Instead of depressing me, the truth of being a renter frees me. If I “own” the church or things in life, then I experience the pride and worry that goes along with being the “final authority.” However, as a renter, I know the owner will take care of his property. Of course, I want to cooperate with the owner and do my best, but I can live and work with joy, not anxiety. This past Wednesday, while praying over this Scripture, I told the Lord, “I place myself as your assistant pastor. You are the real Shepherd/Pastor. I ask for your help to do my best to follow your instructions as I try to lead your people into a close relationship with you.” In your life and responsibilities, I pray that you enjoy being a renter and dedicate “ownership” to God.
Pastor Mark Boucher
WEDNESDAY, 4-6:30PM, Love in Action Outreach Ministry food prep. 6:30PM, prayer at Highway Tabernacle. 7PM, convene at LOVE Park.
THURSDAY, 6-8:15 PM, Camp Family Night at Highway Tabernacle.
FRIDAY, NOON, Hour of Prayer at Resurrection Life Church.
FRIDAY, 6-8:15 PM, Camp Family Night & Block Party at Resurrection Life Church.
SATURDAY, 9AM-12PM, “Green Team” Work Day at Highway Tabernacle.
SUNDAY, JULY 12, 6-7:15PM, Daniel Bible Study kickoff at Highway Tabernacle.
Looking ahead…
Join us at Highway Tabernacle for “Courageous Living In Difficult Times”: An Eight-Week Bible Study from the Book of Daniel. The study will be starting this coming Sunday July 12th at 6:00 pm. This Bible study will continue on Sunday nights through August 30th.

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Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen
Weekly Schedules
Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon
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