E-bulletin 4/27/15
Monday, April 27, 2015
“Following Jesus and Loving People”
I felt this past Sunday’s services really blessed and encouraged a lot of people! The focus on “The Next Generation”, along with the baptism of eight people at Resurrection Life lifted our hearts. We were also challenged greatly by Pastor Wegner’s message on the words of Jeremiah and reminded of how we need to exercise patience through difficult times. As we seek God and work hard to spread the Good News, we are seeing some good fruit! We must also remember, that our steps forward will be challenged by the enemy. Satan doesn’t relinquish control easily. As I was reading Psalm 18 today, I reminisced on the life of David (who wrote this). David spent many years eluding his enemies, including the insanely jealous King Saul. David praises God for his faithfulness and victories, even though he had to endure many trials and difficulties. Breakthrough for David only came after he consistently trusted God and kept his life clean. He wrote, “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge” v. 2. The Lord will do his part by always being strong and faithful. We must also seek to live faithful to him. David said later, “The Lord has dealt with me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands he has rewarded me. For I have kept the ways of the Lord; I have not done evil by turning from my God” v20-21. David was not claiming sinless perfection, but was making the statement that he loved God enough to keep himself away from evil. It’s hard to trust God when we are in bondage to sinful habits. The enemy wants to stop the Gospel from spreading by submerging God’s people in guilt and condemnation. We certainly don’t trust in our “goodness” but living right gives us a boldness and confidence to exercise faith in God. No matter what comes our way, our God will bring us through. In the end we will be able to say, as David, “The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God my Savior” v46!
Pastor Mark Boucher
MONDAY, 11AM, Sound System training @ Resurrection Life Church. See Pastor Finney or Amy dela Cruz for more details.
THURSDAY, 6-8:15PM, FAMILY NIGHT @ Highway Tabernacle. Call 215-563-9192 for more information.
FRIDAY, 6-9PM, FAMILY NIGHT @ Resurrection Life. Call 215-226-1000 for more information.
SUNDAY, MAY 3rd, 4PM, Leadership Meeting @ Highway Tabernacle.
Scholarship Reception
The Spring Garden Academy Scholarship Organization is investing in our children by providing scholarships for low-income, K-12 students to attend high-performing, quality, Christian schools in Philadelphia. We invite you to a reception to learn more about how you (or your employer) can grow our scholarship fund through the PA state tax credit program. Receptions will be held Friday, May 15th, and Friday, May 22nd. Inbox us or call 215-226-1000 for an invitation or information.
Summer Ministry Housing Needs
Two potential Next Generation Ministries interns are looking for housing from mid-May through mid-August. They are both young freshmen women from Faith School of Theology and should each be able to pay about $75 a week for rent.
If you can help, please contact Candace Wegner at 215-226-1000 or candace@nextgenministries.us.
Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org
Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen
Weekly Schedules
Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon
If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org
Submerge Worship- This Sunday!
Thursday, April 23, 2015
“Following Jesus and Loving People”
Join us for an evening of worship this Sunday, 6:00 pm at Highway Tabernacle!
Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org
Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen
Weekly Schedules
Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon
If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org
E-bulletin 4/22/15
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
“Following Jesus and Loving People”
As I sit down to write this, I am quietly waiting as 26 students finish a test in a class I teach called, “Foundations of Biblical Preaching.” One of the “ironies” of Christian living involves the relationship between grace and works. For example, the professors continually encourage the students to walk in the grace of God, but they are graded by how well they do their work. When I correct the tests, I will only note if the answers are right or wrong. I cannot, in the name of grace, give credit for a wrong answer. So, how does grace fit in such a world as ours, where we seem to only be “graded” according to what we do and accomplish? When you study the Bible you realize that the grace of God is found in every aspect of the believer’s life. We are saved by God’s grace, kept by his grace, and empowered by his grace to do his will. His grace gives us the desire and ability to do the work he has called us to do. Biblical grace does not expect that God does everything for us…so we can just sit back and do nothing (I will pass this test even if don’t study). No, we are absolutely part of the process. Paul told Timothy, his son in the faith, to “do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15). Through grace, Timothy came to believe in Jesus; and what Timothy did with his life showed how he cooperated with the grace of God. He needed to study and work hard, not in an attempt to “try to become” a child of God, but because he already was a child of God! By study application, and work, he positioned himself in a “place” where God could manifest his presence through him. So, grace and works are not opposed to each other. Show me a person who truly walks in grace and you will see someone who diligently follows Jesus. Through self-leadership, the disciple of Christ yields to the process of becoming a sharp tool for the master’s use. May the grace of God be yours as you work in his strength!
Pastor Mark Boucher
WEDNESDAY, 6:30 PM, LOVE IN ACTION OUTREACH will meet for prayer at Highway Tabernacle before convening at Café Cret on Franklin Parkway. God is giving us answers to prayer and fruitfulness. The power is God’s, the step is ours.
THURSDAY, 6-8:15PM, FAMILY JAM (Jesus and Me) NIGHT @ Highway Tabernacle. Call 215-563-9192 to share your talent or for more information.
FRIDAY, 6-9PM, FAMILY JAM (Jesus and Me) NIGHT @ Resurrection Life. Call 215-226-1000 to share your talent or for more information.
NEXT SUNDAY, 6 PM, Worship Night @ Highway Tabernacle.
MONDAY, APRIL 27th, 11AM, Sound System training @ Resurrection Life Church. See Pastor Finney or Amy dela Cruz for more details.
Scholarship Reception
The Spring Garden Academy Scholarship Organization is investing in our children by providing scholarships for low-income, K-12 students to attend high-performing, quality, Christian schools in Philadelphia. We invite you to a reception to learn more about how you (or your employer) can grow our scholarship fund through the PA state tax credit program. Receptions will be held Friday, May 15th, and Friday, May 22nd. Inbox us or call 215-226-1000 for an invitation or information.
Summer Ministry Housing Needs
Two potential Next Generation Ministries interns are looking for housing from mid-May through mid-August. They are both young freshmen women from Faith School of Theology and should each be able to pay about $75 a week for rent.
If you can help, please contact Candace Wegner at 215-226-1000 or candace@nextgenministries.us.
Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org
Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen
Weekly Schedules
Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon
If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org
High Quality Coffee Maker Needed
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
“Following Jesus and Loving People”
Spring Garden Academy would like to borrow a high-quality coffee maker for our scholarship dessert reception this Friday night. The coffee maker would be needed by 6:00 pm. Would anyone be able to loan this for the event? If so, please contact the Spring Garden Academy office at 215-226-1000 and ask for Nicole.
Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org
Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen
Weekly Schedules
Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon
If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org
E-bulletin 4/13/15
Monday, April 13, 2015
“Following Jesus and Loving People”
After Jesus rose from the dead, the Bible records about 12 resurrection appearances he made to his disciples and others. In Luke 24, for example, we read of Jesus appearing to two unnamed disciples as they were walking along a road to Emmaus. I love this story because it reminds me why Jesus rose and how he wants to help us every day. The Bible says, “Jesus himself came up and walked along with them” Luke 24:15b. After a long conversation with these two people, Jesus disappeared from their sight. Then they asked each other, “Were not out hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” From these passages, I receive encouragement from the Lord and insights into the ministry of the risen Savior to me (and all believers). First, he wants to walk with us. While on earth, he willingly limited himself to being at one place at one time. Now that he is at the right hand of the Father, he can be everywhere by His Spirit. That means he can walk with me and fellowship with me at the same time he is with you! His fellowship is more that talking about the weather or shifting political ideas. He is willing to open the Scriptures to us and put a fire in our heart to live for him. This means that when I open the Word of God, I am not alone. Jesus is with me to speak his words into my heart and give me encouragement and zeal. I am so blessed to by Jesus Himself. When I consider all the good things this world has to offer, nothing compares to daily fellowship with the risen Lord Jesus! Enjoy him today. Walk with him and listen for his voice. He is alive forevermore!
Pastor Mark Boucher
THURSDAY, 6-8:15PM, FAMILY NIGHT @ Highway Tabernacle. Call 215-563-9192 for more information.
FRIDAY, 6-9PM, FAMILY NIGHT @ Resurrection Life. Call 215-226-1000 for more information.
FRIDAY, 7-8:45PM, Dessert Reception for Scholarship Donors and Friends @ Resurrection Life Church. (See insert to find out more and learn how to RSVP.)
NEXT SUNDAY, Next Generation Ministries featured at Highway Tabernacle (10AM) and Resurrection Life Church (12PM) services.
NEXT SUNDAY, 12PM, Baptism @ Resurrection Life Church.
NEXT MONDAY, 6:30PM, HOPE 4 PHILLY planning meeting @ New Vision United Methodist Church. See Pastor Finney for more details.
Resurrection Life Church/ Highway Tabernacle will be participating in the PennDel District Assemblies of God Kids’ Fun Arts Day on Saturday, May 16th, at 17th and Tioga. This event is open to children in the first-sixth grades. Please contact Lauren Morgan (lmorgan@springgardenacademy.org or 215-563-9192) or Candace Wegner (candace@springgardenacademy.org or 215-226-1000) to participate. The registration deadline is April 20th.
Since we are hosting, we will need our church family to greet guests, serve food, volunteer as judges, and encourage the talented children! We are looking forward to seeing not only our own church and Spring Garden Academy kids but also kids from other churches across our city.
Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org
Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen
Weekly Schedules
Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon
If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org
HELP spread the word! Scholarship Reception
To all:
Please help us get the word out about this week’s Scholarship Reception and the receptions in May. This scholarship initiative, we believe, is a major avenue to increase both the quality and size of Spring Garden Academy’s Elementary school moving ahead. It will also allow us to fund our youth to attend other Christian high schools in Philadelphia.
We will also be sending daily e-vites, ebulletins, and reminders. When you receive them, please pass them along to possible donors. If you want a printed invitation to give out, let us know. If you are on facebook, please SHARE the announcement (see below for what it says). You can find the announcement on https://www.facebook.com/NextGenerationMinistriesPhilly.
If you are unsure who may qualify to participate in this tax-credit funded scholarship initiative, please respond to this email or call 215-226-1000. We’d be happy to explain more. You may be surprised at how many individuals and businesses can participate under a November 2014 change to the tax law. We also invite YOU to come to a reception to educate yourself as an ambassador for this initiative.
Also – PLEASE PRAY! We are trusting God to send the right people our way to accomplish his purposes at Spring Garden Academy and for our city’s children.
PS – we are working on a website to keep this initiative and information available on an ongoing basis. Special thanks to Steve Giunta and Christian Life Center who are currently producing a video that we can share in upcoming months.
Does your business pay PA state corporate taxes? Do you pay PA personal income tax on your PA corporate revenue?
Then -- find out how you can use your state tax dollars to provide a quality education to at-risk children in Philadelphia at a Spring Garden Academy Scholarship Reception.
The first one is this Friday, April 17, 7 pm. Inbox, email nboucher@springgardenacademy.org, or call 215-226-1000 to RVSP or to receive an invitation with other reception dates. We can also visit with you at your location.
Let's work together to improve the educational outcomes for Philadelphia's children!
Baptism class/Baptism at Resurrection Life Church
Friday, April 10, 2015
“Following Jesus and Loving People”
Resurrection Life Church will hold a Baptism class (for adults and youth) this Sunday, April 12 from 10-11:45AM. Anyone interested in participating, please come.
The Baptism will be held Sunday, April 19 at Resurrection Life Church during noon service.
FAMILY FUN DAY--we need volunteers
Hello Resurrection, Highway, and SGA parents! We really need volunteers for Saturday!
1. Saturday morning, we badly need volunteers to clean up inside and outside of the RLC building in preparation for Family Fun Day. Please arrive by 8:45am to start and end by 12pm.
2. We need volunteers to help with setup for Family Fun Day. Volunteers should arrive at 12pm to help set up until 3pm. The stage needs to be taken outside and set up, along with many tables and chairs needing to be set up. Signs need to be placed for each station at the event. The event starts a 3pm so be ready to minister and love on whoever comes in!
Please call 215-226-1000 to sign up as soon as possible!
You are appreciated for all that you do in service to our God in serving others and showing the love of Christ.
A hearty "Gracias" for you attention and willingness. :)
Pastor Finney
For more details about the event itself, see the attached flyer.
FAMILY FUN DAY--we need volunteers
Thursday, April 9, 2015
“Following Jesus and Loving People”
Hello Resurrection, Highway, and SGA parents!
We need your help this Saturday!
Volunteers are needed for 2 things.
1. Clean up inside and outside the church building (RLC). 8:45am meet Mr. Bob Monreal to work until noon. Please help to clean our church & school facility to keep our good testimony in the community!
2. Family Fun Day prep starts at 12pm, so volunteers please come on time. We must be ready by 3pm! Please come help us set up the stage, set up stations, sound system, put up signs, greet visiting guests, man (or woman) the various stations, encourage folks spiritually, pray for someone, lead someone to Jesus...! So much you could do! If someone comes to Christ, think of the joy among heaven's angels.
Thank you for your attention, and hope to see you early. Together, we will accomplish all that God has for us.
God bless you.
Pastor Finney
-bulletin for Thurs night (Ladies Group)
Monday, April 6, 2015
"Following Jesus and Loving People"
Ladies, You Are Invited!
Thursday, April 9th, 7:00 pm
Highway Tabernacle, 1801 Spring Garden St. Philadelphia, PA
Join us for a Bible study/ book discussion as we continue with our book
In The Gap: What Happens When God's People Stand Strong by Wilfredo de Jesus. This week, we will be looking at the life of Barnabas.
If you have the book already and want to read ahead, you can read Chapter 5: Barnabas. If you don't have the book, please still come out for a night of fellowship and discussion!
Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org
Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen
Weekly Schedules
Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon
If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org
E-bulletin 4/6/15
Monday, April 6, 2015
“Following Jesus and Loving People”
Do you tend to think more about the past or the future? Our faith in Jesus and the Resurrection is rooted in specific historical places and past events, but it is so much more! Unfortunately, many believe in Jesus like they believe in George Washington and the war for Independence. Their reasoning is, “Jesus, like George Washington, lived a good life and made a great impact for all of us, but that’s about it”. However, Jesus did not rise from the dead, so we might have a “feel-good memory”. He rose to live as the mighty risen Savior in us right now. That’s what life “in the Spirit” is all about! The living, current, everlasting Spirit which empowered Jesus to conquer death lives present tense in true believers! This Spirit of Jesus becomes the center of our “power grid” giving us the ability to say yes to him, and no to evil and sin. Galatians describes this new powerful lifestyle (and the battle that rages). “So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want” (5:16-17). Verse 25 goes on to say, “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” Victorious spiritual living does not happen by a mere mental knowledge of past events. The Bible emphasizes the past in order to help us realize what we have in the present. We can live a life that pleases God because we believe in Jesus, and walk in the strength of his Spirit. Enjoy fellowship with Jesus…He is risen!
Pastor Mark Boucher
WEDNESDAY, 6:30PM, LOVE IN ACTION OUTREACH will meet @ Highway Tabernacle to pray, then gather at Café Cret on Franklin Parkway. God is giving us answers to prayer and fruitfulness. The power is God’s, the step is ours.
THURSDAY, 6:45-8:15PM, FAMILY NIGHT @ Highway Tabernacle. Call 215-563-9192 for more information.
FRIDAY, 6-9PM, FAMILY NIGHT @ Resurrection Life. Call 215-226-1000 for more information.
SATURDAY, 9-12PM, Outdoor Work Day @ Resurrection Life Church.
SATURDAY, 3-5PM, FAMILY FUN DAY @ Resurrection Life Church. To volunteer, please call Nicole Boucher or Candace Wegner at 215-226-1000 or nboucher@springgardenacademy.org. Volunteers are needed from 9 am – noon to clean the property and from 12-6 to set up, run, and clean up the event.
SUNDAY, 10-11:45AM, Baptism class @ Resurrection Life Church.
Resurrection Life Church/ Highway Tabernacle will be participating in the PennDel District Assemblies of God Kids’ Fun Arts Day on Saturday, May 16th, at 17th and Tioga. This event is open to children in the first-sixth grades. Please contact Lauren Morgan (lmorgan@springgardenacademy.org or 215-563-9192) or Candace Wegner (candace@springgardenacademy.org or 215-226-1000) to participate. The registration deadline is approaching soon.
Since we are hosting, we will need our church family to greet guests, serve food, volunteer as judges, and encourage the talented children! We are looking forward to seeing not only our own church and Spring Garden Academy kids but also kids from other churches across our city.
Give on-line: http://give.highwaytab.org
Highway Tabernacle, Resurrection Life, SGA, and NextGen
Weekly Schedules
Highway Tabernacle: Morning Prayer @ 9AM; Sunday Worship @ 10AM; Resurrection Life: Sunday Worship @ 12Noon
If you are having trouble viewing the E-Bulletin or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please send an email to: Office@HighwayTabernacle.org